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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. Not to mention 'Hate Crime' legislation. What a crock that is. I go into a McD's and open fire without saying a word, I get charged with X. I go into McD's and open fire and say "I hate ____ and _____" I get charged with X + because of 'Hate Crime' legislation. Why a Supreme Court of any state or even the US Supreme Court hasn't struck down 'Hate Crime' laws as unconstitutional is beyond me and a big factor in why I don't have much faith in the courts anymore.
  2. Whoa whoa whoa there cowboy. Terreza makes Katherine Harris look like a Playmate of the Month. If I had a dog that looked like Mrs. Heinz-Kerry, I'd shave it's ass and teach it to walk backwards. Now I know you're really warped.
  3. Incompetence in the government? You don't say? I thought they did everything efficiently and effectively...
  4. All sound ideas, if somewhat simply stated, but classis short term thinking. Fighting terrorism is a long term plan and probably the most important one we have every undertaken. You don't just wake up one day and say terrorism is now at acceptable level, let's not worry about it anymore. As for local security or illegal immigration, politicians of both parties have proven to be woefully negligent on the issue. That's because they get supported by farmers and farm corporations to kinda look the other way so that they can get their cheap labor. Like in Arizona, the fight against illegal immigration will be done by the people passing referendums. Besides, as big as the 'Government' has become you'd think it could do many things at once.
  5. Tell them they shouldn't take their inferiority complex of getting their asses kicked in two world wards out on you. Then tell them lederhosen makes them look like polesmokers. The go all 'Iron Mike (before jail)' on them!
  6. Arafat in a coma I know, I know, it's serious... Sucks he's in a coma. Fugger should be awake and aware and in agonizing pain. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Arafat.
  7. True, but hotdogs have no nutritional value and I'll eat the stevestojan out of 'em. Sometimes you just gotta say fug it, no one lives forever.
  8. P.S. Now watch this drive!
  9. I'm trying to figure out why you think anyone would care what your take on this is...
  10. Actually...the did try to blow up the WTC with a truck bomb the first time. And one could argue that bombing naval ships and embassies are tantamount to attacking American soil. Clinton's response? 'Look at the breasts on that bimbo.'
  11. Bingo. Clinton didn't want to be president to lead America. Clinton wanted to be president to get famous, get rich, and to get chicks (not necessarily in that order). He took polls and told us lemmings whatever we wanted to hear to get re-elected. His charisma also went a long way with the hotpockets crowd to get re-elected because Dole was about as exciting as two old people in their 80's doing the hibbity-jibbity. If it was Bush Jr instead of Dole in that election, I doubt seriously if Clinton is re-elected.
  12. Squirts of piss in the ocean Sy. Wake me up when those other 'options' become credible alternatives. I was ready to go Reform with Perot way back when...whatever in the hell happened to them? A reluctant Bush supporter. Give me a better alternative and I'll help plan the attack.
  13. But they're all we got. When you want to start another party or even start a revolution let us know.
  14. Because the Dasch-hole was one of the biggest obstructionist slime bags in the Senate. Time to do the Happy Dance!
  15. You said he'd carry PA. The J-Bone Curse lives!!!!
  16. "Those goofy bastards are about the best thing I've got going." -Pat Healy
  17. Liar. You didn't make my mom dress like a biker slut. She dresses that way everyday. And I know you're lying about her calling you 'daddy' too. She only calls heterosexual men 'daddy'. Closed-minded partisan prick.
  18. Not closed minded at all dumbass, I voted for a Dem today. What about you? Straight ticket? I stand by what I say about Kerry. The man is a spineless milquetoast. He is Clinton without the charisma. I really fear him being president. That said I will offer tepid support until he fugs something up. Wouldn't take long either I bet.
  19. Oh sthop sthweetie, or I'll have to tell all your redneck buddies that you were my first...
  20. Why do we need exit polls anyway? Is it too much to ask to simply wait until the polls close and all votes have been counted before announcing results?
  21. Not to mention that the 'Main Steam Media' have shown themselves to be quite biased in trying to show 'exit polls' that paint their chosen boy as the winner (I'll leave you to figure out who that is, he usually has a -D next to his name) to try and keep people away from the polls thinking their vote will no longer count.
  22. The real Manchurian Candidate? No thanks...
  23. Sheesh, is there no one better? I know you love him because of his law-and-order reputation, but he's a Dem on nearly everything else. Still, I'd vote for him or a dead dog's ass over incumbant Pres Kerry. Just hope we're not praying to Mecca 5 times daily by then...
  24. Boy is that true. The instant gratification crowd is going to get us all killed. History is made by long term thinking.
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