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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. Alberto, not 'Speedy'...
  2. Time to scrap all those laws about murder. 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' is kinda religious and has no place in legislative, judicial, or executive branches...
  3. Is it legal for woman to shoot heroin? Ever hear of laws that make it criminal for shooting heroin while pregnant? Oh dear, must be the big bad government telling women what they should do with their bodies.
  4. Ahhh...Campy has just mentioned the Sedition Act, the day can now officially get started. Was worried there for a second but knew Campy would find a way to work it in as he has a hundred times in the last couple of weeks... News Flash: I made a wisecrack about what Babs was quoting. I could give a crap who said the words originally but rather was dealing with how Babs used them in her context. But I guess the "Thomas Jefferson' pokemon card is the ultimate one that trumps everything else, so I will 'apologize' for offending the esteemed statesman who shagged his slave and didn't have the balls to admit it or care for the kids she conceived with him.
  5. I wouldn't get to ahead of yourself. Lincoln Chafee has already made rumblings about switching parties if Bush and the other senators are 'too conservative'. Olympia Snowe and a couple of the other Republican loonies might join him. Just because they have an 'R' next to their name might not mean a whole lot in trying to get the 60 seat supermajority.
  6. Dude, don't encourage him. This is the type of guy who thinks asphalt is something you need to go see a proctologist for (and maybe he could get help removing his head from up there too). I mean look at his signatures for crissakes. It's obvious he's mesmerized by bright shiny things. I was just going to go with the 'ignore them, and Darwin's Law will take care of them eventually' rule.
  7. Oh great, another resident idiot chimes in...
  8. Too bad you don't have OnStar. You could have called them and might have made one of their radio commercials. On second thought, probably just as well. They all sound like idiots.
  9. I changed my mind, get the troops out of Iraq. Madonna says we should. Stupid whore.
  10. That's rich. You talking about people making idiotic comments.
  11. He's pretty close. Why couldn't he just own up to shagging his slave?
  12. Babs- "Republicans are all about greed and money. Oh by the way, don't miss my next concert. Ticket prices start at $1,000." Babs is just an older Britney. Immensely popular, yet no one understands why.
  13. What a friggin' loon. She's read too many Harry Potter books or something. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Babs
  14. Wanny = Wade Great coordinator, schitty head coach.
  15. Come on Bill, you know you voted for McNally and the Oline...
  16. 1. Add Shatner to a TV show 2. ???? 3. Profit!!
  17. All of them...it's a team game. And this poll becomes null and void if the Bills go into New England and defecate on the sleeping apparatis...
  18. Hell Lori, I'd bet even Syracuse could beat them right now...
  19. Right ....about....NOW! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Wanny!
  20. Sorry about pissing in the cornflakes, but as happy as I am about yesterday's win over the Jets I'm still pissed at how the Bills wasted the last 10-15 seconds or thereabouts of the 2nd half when we were on the friggin' Jets 2 yard line and then kicked a field goal. They had plenty of time to run one more play but they just stood there and let all that precious time run out and then kicked the gimmee. Mularkey said when he was leaving the field that they failed to get a play in on time. That was friggin' horrible. Thought we were fugged after that ineptness but fortunately it didn't happen. Sorry, had to vent. Now back the the post game celebration.
  21. Towlie! "Aww man, I'm so high right now."
  22. Right, because historically the winner of an election always adopts the loser's platform...
  23. You must really hate your fellow Americans who just want low prices so they can keep more of what they earn. When will you libs call for a 'Walmart Tax Act'? Whatever one saves in shopping at Walmart, they must turn around and give it to the government so they can give it back to 'the people'. Yeah, that'll fly...
  24. Well if those two esteemed, intelligent gentlemen said it, it must be true!
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