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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. Hmmmm...the next time there is a heating oil crisis, we can burn liberals instead! Of course we'll only burn them to heat the homes of the poor. Brilliant!
  3. Hell, I would say there is a MUCH stronger argument to recognize polygamy then there is to recognize 'homosexual marriage'. My wife and I are raising our 3-month old son right now and it keeps us perpetually exhausted. Just imagine if we could add another wife or husband to the mix. Then you could have 1 person stay home as exclusive caregiver while the other two work their normal jobs. 3 can live as cheaply as 2 right? And you save all that money you otherwise would have spent on childcare. It's win-win, and it passes KtFBD's 'cultures have accepted it since time began' argument.
  4. Wha??? The defense blew goats last night. No pressure on Brady, secondary sucked out loud, linebackers running around letting players break through their wimpy arm tackles, the defense really schit the bed last night.
  5. Yeeehaw!!!!! A ray of sunshine in an otherwise dreary day! God bless and good luck to the Samara family!
  6. When the Bills go into Foxboro they turn into Kevin Bacon from Animal House: "Thank you sir may I please have another!"
  7. The local columnists, who until have tried to remain fairly nuetral in the calls to can Coach P, are now saying the Temple loss should be the final nail in the coffin. Attendance for football games hit a new low this season, even with efforts to get butts in the seats by reducing ticket prices. Too much writing on the wall, only an idiot (but then again we are talking about Jake here) AD would keep Pasqualoni after this season.
  8. I love the Bills, as do you all or we wouldn't be here. I am growing increasingly apathetic towards my beloved team as long as Bledsoe remains the QB. If TD, Mularkey, et al keep insisting that Drew should be the starter, I'm going to start insisting that maybe there are better things to do with my time on Sunday afternoons. I haven't cleaned the lint out of my belly button in quite awhile and it may be preferable to watching another stinkfest like last night.
  9. Don't you know? Gay is the new black. Most of the libs backing 'gay rights' are merely people jealous that they weren't born in time to march with MLK, so they're saddling their pony to gays so they can feel good about themselves in 'fighting for the oppressed'. They also believe that if you have family or friends that play for the other team that you should automatically change your views about homosexuality and march in step with them. To date none of them can explain if the 'family and friends' argument means you should accept other types of behavior, but oh well.
  10. Shouldn't he have been convicted on an unauthorized abortion instead?
  11. "A Miami Dolphin fan recently filed a lawsuit in Federal Court to get his 'marriage' recognized..."
  12. *Sniff* That was beautiful, man...
  13. Sneak anything by her and be prepared to suffer. As the song says from which you got your signature quote, you are about to be 'institutionalized'. But it ain't so bad.
  14. Tsk-Tsk: You ASSume I'm a Christian. You would be wrong (But maybe not for long. Religion, or more specifically subscribing to the tenets of an 'organized religion' is a dilemma I wrestle with daily. With an infant son to raise, it has caused me to re-evaluate my position.) Also Tsk-Tsk: You cowardly ignore the main thrust of the posting/article- What has the 'sexualization' of America wrought and instead try to turn in into some quasi-fascist call for censorship on my part. Again, coward.
  15. I thought this column at WorldNetDaily offered some interesting insight into America's sex obsession. Lot's of info about the sicko research done by Alfred Kinsey (appropriate too, since a movie about him starring Liam Neeson is about to come out) and it does get kinda religious at the end, so reader beware if 'religious stuff' makes you uncomfortable. Some excerpts- Selling Sex in the USA My vote? Keep 'Saving Ryan's Privates' off the public airwaves and let's start asking ourselves where we are going as a culture and what the fate of Western Civilization may become if we continue down this path of 'sex obsession'.
  16. Boy she must have an awesome plastic surgeon! She looks nothing like she used to on The Beverly Hillbillies...
  17. Congratulations! I'm holding my 3-month old in my lap right now and I can tell you there is nothing like it! Get ready to be perpetually exhausted...
  18. Nice memories. You must wake up screaming every night...
  19. Yeah, we should try and stop that from happening, and keep our dependence on foreign oil...
  20. Any footage of naked hippie chicks dancing?
  21. !@#$ing bear prodder!!!!!!!!!
  22. Guess they didn't stick around for the oral sex either...
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