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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. I've wondered about that myself. The difference statistically between them as football players vs as a part of society must be astronomical. Too much playing without a cup?
  2. Pre-kids = perfect plan Post-kids = ain't going to happen
  3. Oh she has, but every hubby needs to have some 'Mama Don't Know' money squirreled away.
  4. Rent it!?!?!? Based on your recommendation I went out on bought it unseen (no downloading it illegally from the internet for me ). One of my best purchases ever!
  5. "I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."
  6. "Smokey you are about to enter a world of pain."
  7. "Eight year-olds, Dude."
  8. "What is this "day of rest" sh--? What is this stevestojan, man? I don't !@#$ing care! It don't matter to Jesus! But you're not fooling me! You might fool the !@#$s in the league office, but you don't fool Jesus! It's bush league psych-out stuff! Laughable, man! I would've !@#$ed you in the ass Saturday, I'll !@#$ you in the ass next Wednesday instead!"
  9. Is that the same Bill O'Reilly that loves to talk dirty on the phone with a dildo up his ass (also known by fans of The Soprano's as The Ralphie Treatment)? Sheeeet...Bill and Howard are kindred spirits.
  10. Their children would prove that humans could devolve...
  11. Oh no! You've crossed the Mel Brooks stream with the Monty Python stream! WE'RE DOOOOOOOMED!!!!
  12. Bring out...the comfy chair!!!
  13. Nope, I fell asleep in that class. Can you explain it to me?
  14. I'd like it to be transcendental where I gain knowledge and all the answers to questions regarding the formation of the universe and our place in it.
  15. All the time. I'm not posting on a message board on how I can help my son get away with it though...nor would I. I may be weak and flawed, but I don't have make it easy for my son to carry on a weak and flawed legacy. Your emotional response to this could lead one to believe that a similar situation is occuring in the Nervous Household and you are a little...well...you know.
  16. The exception to the rule does not disprove the rule. And no, baseball sucked then too. But keep supporting it because YOUR team spends so friggin much for a team full of All-Stars.
  17. All very funny, but I can't believe no one has mentioned Ren & Stimpy. Funniest fuggin' show ever. I just have to think about the show with Cousin Olaf and 'Don't whiz on the electric fence' and I start laughing. Caught that 'Drawn Together' show while surfing before bed last night. Stupidiest thing I've ever seen. You guys must be drunk or stoned or both (not that that's a bad thing)when you watch it.
  18. Barry didn't know what he was taking? Pull the other one. Some teams have payrolls higher than the GNP of some countries and now it's been confirmed what we knew all along, the players are juicing up. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: baseball.
  19. "They say weed makes one's hair grow faster. I started growing this beard 3 days ago, so maybe there's something to it." -or- "I'd come back to the NFL, but I'm already contractually obligated to star in the new Grizzley Adams movie."
  20. Reason # 2, 459 on why government in New York is so fugged up. In that paper yesterday it was reported that some 'board' has decreed that the State of New York has to give the City of New York 23 BILLION dollars for education. Good times for the taxpayers...
  21. She could be a commie for all I'd care.
  22. If those HBO Specials are his 'Young Comedian' shows, I'll buy it just for Bob Nelson's Football skit. Funniest damn thing I've ever seen. "Football is my life. I loves football. I loves to play football on the football field...WITH a football."
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