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Gavin in Va Beach

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    Va Beach

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  1. Agree with everything except Boba, man that was bad. His time with the Sand People was cool, but everything else was a dumpster fire, especially the teen age Vespa gang. God awful.
  2. I've done smoker, grill, oven...all have turned out well. However a few years ago I came across a recipe for doing them in an Instapot/pressure cooker and have been doing them that way since. When they come out of the pressure cooker I sauce 'em up and throw them on the grill for just a few minutes to give them some char and bake in the sauce. Delicious. Just fast and easy, still captures a ton of flavor, and way less hassle, which is good for an old guy like me.
  3. We've seen this story before in Wade Phillips. Great defensive coordinator, good guy, but mediocre head coach. I like McDermott, seems like a solid guy. I disagree that he sold Pegula a bill of goods, he definitely helped turned the Bills around with his emphasis on culture and process. We were a dumpster fire before he got here. Perhaps you're right that Pegula/Beane gave him too much power, but his main problem is he has failed to evolve and hasn't grown past his serious limitations has head coach, such as decision making and clock management. Pegula and Beane have hopefully told him he has the rest of the season to prove he should keep his job (at least for another year).
  4. How does this help our porous defense? Seems like Beane is just doing this just to show he's doing something...
  5. This is the correct answer, she is both alive and dead
  6. Hey Buffalo gets a little love in the movie, instant classic! Fun fact, Costner was supposed to be the GM of the Bills but production costs were cheaper in Cleveland so they changed it. "Come on Tom, say it with me, you pancake eating motherf$%ker!"
  7. What it made me think of...
  8. I'm not a hater. I like Edmunds. Seems like a good dude and solid teammate. He's a good LB. I'm just not sure he will ever be elite and don't want the Bills to pay him like one. I would be fine with a generous contract loaded with incentives.
  9. Can you put my name on this list?
  10. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" -Keats
  11. Good. Beat the best to be the best
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