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Everything posted by BBBillz

  1. He would have fallen down and tackled by poyer but yeah we were fortunate!
  2. Haha, you know certain posters are just chomping at the bit to unleash a fury of negative knee jerk reactions.
  3. Let's get up 30 points and get half a bye this week and start thinking about next week's opponent...Go Bills!!!
  4. Agreed! The downright fear of another team when our team is a powerhouse is laughable. Do we have areas in need of tightening up? Sure. That can be said of any team if you sit and actually watch said teams outside of the Bills. Bills have the talent. It's not only up to the players to come in and perform at the highest level it's equally up to the coaches to formulate a game plan to enhance our strengths and highlight the opposition's weaknesses and do everything in their power to ensure the players execute. It takes a complete performance all around.
  5. I'm with you. It's comical watching how fearful some 'fans' are when playing the opposition. I sure on the heck wouldn't want to play with those types of people on a team, heck I wouldn't want to work with them in any capacity let alone be acquainted to them. Seems like an insufferable and miserable place to be in life. Maybe it keeps them going, the negative energy?
  6. Hey... where are all the negative nellies
  7. Agreed, too many doomers in this thread each week when the Bills are down. Then when do well they all disappear and add nothing to the thread but I guess nothing is better than the crap they spew.
  8. But but but...we never blow out teams it can't be true.
  9. And just lost it...😒 🤔
  10. Yeah buddy!!!!! That is no easy task either. We've played some very good teams this year.
  11. UT oh the patriots are getting closer. It's 22-18
  12. Wtg Hamlin deprive TW from a pick. I know it worked out better for us.
  13. That's because you been reading the gdt today 😆.
  14. Just like they drew it up. Excellent, Go Bills!
  15. These refs are really lopsided today. That said, Bills still in control and winning.
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