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Bob Jones

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Everything posted by Bob Jones

  1. We're good again! Yaaaaasss!!! SB train is at the station...everybody get on board!
  2. Allen has been throwing short all game. Have they been setting them up, and about to go deep? Let's hope so.
  3. WTH? If the ball is going to land inside the 10, YOU LET IT GO. Who's coaching these guys?
  4. Wow. Terrible call. Hope that's not a harbinger by the refs for the rest of the game.
  5. Wow. McD never fails to disappoint.
  6. Absolutely terrible call.
  7. Nuthin happening. JA is NOT throwing down the field.
  8. LOL. Just call them No Tackle Bills.
  9. Johnson got hurt by a helmet to helmet hit from his own teammate, Rapp. EDIT: I AM WRONG about this; sorry.
  10. STs coach fired tomorrow morning.
  12. Alright, if they don’t get a TD here, fire McD at halftime.
  13. It was behind him, IOW, a bad throw.
  14. I'm sure this has been said many times, but our receivers are terrible getting open.
  15. Hadto feed the pets and and go pee...I miss anything?
  16. Not impressed so far with Brady...bring back Dorsey. 😉
  17. What a well disciplined, well coached team! 🙄
  18. Just watched the most blatant hold I’ve ever seen by the Cardinals, which allowed Kyler Murray to get around the edge and run in for a TD. Of course there was a ref right there watching it, and no call. Hard to say it ain’t fixed or somebody’s not getting paid. It was as clear as ever, and was right there out in the open.
  19. When you got Tyreek, who can just blow by guys, it all good.
  20. If they don’t score at least 3 TDs, fire McClappy at 7:30pm.
  21. Why wouldn’t they be allowed in HS? If it’s true, of course it’s an overreaction, as there’s no harm in using them.
  22. Yes, comparing other folks who are high earners, and who literally can buy happiness, is a good take. 🙄 How about the tens of millions of Americans who dread going in to work every day, live paycheck to paycheck, but have to put on a happy face to please their customers? How about when the latter folks have a parent or other close relative who gets cancer, and then on top of their crappy job, they have to deal with that too? How about when their son or daughter gets in trouble with the law, or gets pregnant unexpectedly, or gets a serious illness? How about when they lose their job and have no way to pay their bills? How about when the high cost of inflation and the spiraling high cost of their rent means they can’t make ends meet? You think that Josh Allen’s situation….not getting along with his coaches or even other players, or relationship issues with his Hollywood girlfriend….is comparable to the above folks!? If you told those folks, “if we pay you $43 million for 6 months a year work, you think you could be happy and content to go in to work every day” that they’d be able to get happy and content at work!? And mind you, MANY jobs in this country are stressful, and physically & mentally taxing, MUCH MORE SO than playing football. And of course most people work all year long, not just half the year. Yes, everybody has “life issues.” What I’m saying is that Josh’s life issues are very minor in the big picture, and if he can’t be thankful and happy to get out there and play, obviously he’s got issues, and needs help. The things that some of y’all post up in this forum are just mind numbing. And to all the people who reacted negatively to my post, you too need to really think about this. Hope y’all have a great weekend, and GO BILLS! I hope they destroy the Jets and go on a 7-0 run. ANYTHING is possible. 😉
  23. Just came over the wire...BURROW IS OUT FOR THE SEASON.
  24. Like I've said before in this forum, I'd bet that a lot of players are just in it for a paycheck....we've seen the lack of preparation, failure of execution, and lack of fire, time and time again this year, right? You think they care if McD "throws them under the bus?" Will they work even less than they are doing now? LOL And that's if they even know what he said at his presser (or any presser, all year long). You think these guys jump on twitter (or wherever else they publish these lengthy pressers) at night and watch what McD, or Beane, or anyone else says to the media? I highly, highly doubt the latter happens. If I was a player, I know I wouldn't waste my free time watching those pressers. THEY ARE GETTING PAID MILLIONS for half a year's work, and that's all that matters. You know that 99% of them have ZERO loyalty to a town, a team, or a fanbase, and will jump to another team in a heartbeat for more money, right?
  25. I mean, let's be honest, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. 😉
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