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Bob Jones

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Everything posted by Bob Jones

  1. Not using the Oil Derrick on the side of the helmet was the biggest slap in the face to Joe Blue Collar Oiler, EVER!
  2. War Memorial was built in 1937....ON TIME! 😜
  3. The only ones on your list that I have watched, I have bolded, so we have very similar watching habits. A couple others I have never seen: 24 and Greys Anatomy. But I can't believe that you never saw any episodes of Taxi; that was a great show! And of course The Honeymooners was an iconic classic. Hogan's Heroes and Barney Miller were OK, but nothing to write home about.
  4. As I have noted before in here, owners may be billionaires, and on the surface they may appear to be "smart", but a lot of them really are not too smart. Being rich does not equal being intelligent, shrewd, and/or smart.
  5. I'm dumbfounded that as of today, 43% of poll respondents think that the Bills are going to win the SB next year. Optimism is a good trait to have, but C'mon Man, that's just a wild dream. LOL
  6. 7:28am in Florida….still dark!
  7. As long as we're talking about timeshares, I'll give a typical, lovely, first hand experience with timeshare shenanigans. LOL We were in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, walking on the Parkway, when we saw a "free tickets" booth (for local shows/you pick one show). Only catch was you had to give them $20 cash (refundable if you show up to their spiel), and attend a 60 minute presentation....it was billed as including breakfast. Get there the next morning and the breakfast was crappy, small donuts and coffee. Temperature in the conference room was about 65°. After an hour we wanted to get out of there, but they were still going strong, and made it nearly impossible to leave, but at 80 minutes we were finally able to leave and go to a counter to get our show tickets and our $20 cash...that took about 20 more minutes in line at the counter, and then they didn’t give us cash though, it was a check which we could only cash at a certain bank in town. We did go to that bank and get our $20, just out of spite. The really crazy thing is that we actually were interested in buying in to the program, but after the way we were treated, no way in h*ll was that going to happen. And it took the briefer FOREVER to get to the actual cost of the program.
  8. LOL. You'd think that at $40 million+ per year he'd be able to afford some high quality pants that don't come apart at the seams!
  9. I'm glad that you're OK, and hope that going forward, you make it through without any big complications. As someone who is now 60+, my biggest fear/concern about life is my health, and how basically at any moment my life can be drastically changed in an instant.
  10. It's a team game, and we are thinking rationally. 😉 I will be very surprised if they get past the divisional round.
  11. Probably Boones Farm and Velveeta. 😂
  12. So you’re the second person who seems to think there’s a difference between “contract expired” and “you’re fired”…..there isn’t. For all intents and purposes, it’s the same exact thing. If they thought he was valuable to the organization, he would have been given a new contract. Instead, they told him to clean out his office, get out, and don’t come back. But he wasn’t fired. OK. LOL
  13. If only the players had as much loyalty to their teams as the fans have to their players.....the world would always be filled with butterflies and rainbows! Unfortunately, 99% of NFL players' ultimate loyalty is to the almighty dollar.
  14. Huh, interesting. Wonder what one does to get fired from this rather low level position?
  15. Just watched the video. At around the 12:20 mark they introduce 2 guys who apparently made a very real & very accurate miniature model of the new stadium, they talk about it for a while, then they show a group of people go in to the room to look at the model, and they all are in awe at the detail and awesomeness of the model, but in this video THEY NEVER SHOW A WIDE/COMPLETE SHOT OF THE MODEL, just some quick cuts of small parts of the model...WTF?!?!?! I get that they're teasing us, and want you to go in person to this place, but C'mon Man, that's just pathetic.
  16. Agreed. The voiceover at the end of the movie "The Other Guys" explains it perfectly: "The people that do the real work, the ones that make the difference, you don't see 'em on TV or on the front page. I'm talking about the day-in, day-outers, the grinders. Come on, man, you know who I'm talking about: the other guys."
  17. I highly doubt that any one school is making a billion dollars, and even if they were, I doubt it could be pinpointed to one (or even a few) player who is responsible for that. IOW, the Alabamas, Ohio States, Norte Dames, et al will ALWAYS sellout their stadiums, have huge merchandise sales, and garner big tv ratings (unless they absolutely stink).
  18. I'd hardly call it "being exploited" when getting a totally "free ride" to a major college. In today's world, the monetary value of the free ride is probably $50-75k per year, and of course there’s always the "off the books" benefits that these athletes get.
  19. It's pretty much why Nick Saban quit coaching. IMHO, NIL money is not good for college sports, not good at all.
  20. I'm still very curious as to what caused the break up between them. Normally people don’t go that long (10 years) as a couple without getting married, or maybe just staying together forever without marrying. Most couples don’t take 10 years to figure out that they're not right for each other.
  21. I’m really curious to see if small market western NY, and the new high prices, will yield sellouts for all the games in the new stadium.
  22. I also just went and looked at her Instagram page.....Dayum! If she's got any toned muscles in those thighs/legs, I can easily see how she'd be a force to be reckoned with on the playing field.
  23. I’m not a “collector”, and would never spend that much on an item, but if I were, and if I was interested, the thing about this item is that there’s ZERO identifying info on this ticket stub telling me exactly what game it was for. IOW, I just have to believe it was for that game. If I show this to 99.99% of the world's population, they will have no idea what game it’s from….it doesn’t even show the date or even the year!
  24. Maybe he'll be able to afford a deluxe GOLO or Nutrisystem program now?
  25. Bob Costas is on line 1. LOL
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