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Bob Jones

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Everything posted by Bob Jones

  1. LOL I'm not mad bro, rather just being real. I'm glad they won, and hope they play better going forward, and win out til a SB victory. 😉 Also, it's Coconut Creme Pie I've been eating today, not fruitcake! Yum!
  2. Yes, but all the talk of "no one wants to face the Bills in the playoffs" is out the window now, right? Since, you know, they looked like garbage, and won by the skin of their teeth against an inferior opponent. The sad reality is that they came within inches of being "the same old Bills." The "they're hot and steamrolling into the playoffs" is just a pipe dream now. Likely one and done. Bring on the blinders wearing homer thumbs downs and red Xs. LOL
  3. I just saw Roma Downey in the stands!
  4. Nice tackling. Good Lord.
  5. No, it really wasn't. LOL
  6. I will say again, NFL refs SUCK. The minor grabbing on the shoulders by offensive linemen happens on EVERY play in the NFL.
  7. What a terrible call....absolute garbage. NFL refs absolutely SUCK.
  8. Horsecollar at the end of the play too...how'd they miss that? 🤔
  9. This is disgusting and embarassing.
  10. Being a fan of this team is extremely frustrating....for 50+ years now.
  11. Too bad we don't have the refs from the earlier game today...LOL
  12. My God, what is going on?
  13. Honestly, it would not be a surprise, and it would be very Billsey!
  14. How come their receivers are so wide open, and ours are.....ugh
  15. Have the refs in this game been instructed to screw over the Bengals? LOL
  16. How about "I want you to watch....?" LOL I keed, I keed. Tony does know his stuff, and does add good commentary for new/newer fans who may not know what's going on out on the field.
  17. I highly doubt that Dallas will get to the SB this year, but I guess anything is possible.....that's why they play the games. 🤪
  18. When I left out of Tokyo after serving in the USAF there, my flight to Detroit was 15 hours! That was brutal!
  19. As has been pointed out numerous times now in this forum over the last couple days, Dak was five yards past the 1st down marker and could have easily run out of bounds, untouched, as he was right there near the sideline, but he didn’t. Instead, he turned upfield to fight for more yardage but then he saw a few Bills coming at him fast, and at the very last moment, he decided to slide down. It should not have been a penalty AT ALL. We need more guys like Rapp, to be aggressive.
  20. I did sign up for Peacock on Black Friday, just for this game, when they were running the $2.99/month special. Question: How do I get the video from either my Samsung tablet or my Apple IPad to my big screen TV?
  21. Thanks Yolo. This confirms what I said, and that is when he gains FULL CONTROL of the ball, his left foot is off of the ground, and his right knee is OOB. 😉 Edit: Just rewatched it about 20x….looks like no part of his right leg, knee or foot, even touches the ground (after he has full control of the ball) until it is OOB, as I see no movement of grass or ground inbounds. So, yeah, NO CATCH.
  22. Not sure how many times I’m going to have to post this in here, but I’m going to keep doing it. Rapp absolutely was in the right, and did what he needed to do on the play where he was flagged for a late hit. Dak was FIVE YARDS PAST the 1st down marker when he very easily could have just run out of bounds, but HE DIDN’T. Instead, he turned left, toward the middle of the field, seeking to gain more yards. So here comes the defenders, at full speed, seeing a guy not going OOB, but looking to keep going down the field. And then Dak sees said defenders and decides to give up/slide at the last possible moment. Rapp, or any defender, at that point, can’t stop on a dime. Bad call by the refs. The reality is that a lot of these running QBs are gaming the system and getting some defenders to give up early because the defenders are afraid of the PF call. I applaud Rapp and say keep being aggressive.
  23. Didn’t stay up to watch the game last night because I get up at 5:20am, but I did watch the end of it this morning, and that last TD catch by Seattle was not a catch. The guy bobbled it, and when he finally gained full control he had nothing in bounds….no feet, and his knee was out of bounds. And it looked like they didn’t even really review it? Or maybe NFL network just edited that part out for the rebroadcast this morning for time. In any case, if I’m the ref there, NO TD.
  24. A couple plays ago Hurts slid at the last moment on an outside run just like Dak did yesterday, and just like yesterday, a DB came flying up and hit him, and…there was no call…which was correct. As it should have been for Rapp yesterday. 😉
  25. On the Rapp play: he did exactly what any good DB should do, and that is exert maximum force on a runner...ANY runner...when that runner is flying down the field trying to advance the ball. On the play in question Dak was FIVE YARDS PAST the 1st down marker, was near the sideline, and could have easily just went out of bounds untouched, but he didn't. Instead, he turned left, toward the middle of the field, seeking to get more yards, and at that point Bills defenders are coming at him full speed to try and get him. And at the very last moment Dak decided to slide down. Sorry but a DB coming at full speed can't stop on a dime. Rapp *may* have done some dumb things prior to this game, but he did absolutely nothing wrong on that play.
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