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Everything posted by Dillenger4

  1. I hope we get Von back for the playoffs as a healthy weapon. Did anyone else notice AJ Klein yesterday? He was on fire. Played a great game for us. I always liked him but man, yesterday he made 3 plays that were drive stopping. Romo commented, or started to before being cutoff, that Klein is underrated. Good to have him back on a D that is banged up. Now if we could only get rid of Hamlin somehow.... He costs the Bills too many plays.
  2. I'd say it's Hamlin who is the weakest player on our D. Hamlin missed 3 tackles that change the drive/game yesterday. Hamlin supposed to cover deep on 2 throws yesterday thus making Dane try to make a brilliant play. Dane was yelling at Hamlin on a few plays yesterday. It's Hamlin creating ALL of the empty route holes for opposing O's. Dane can tackle in open space, hits the receiver at the line, covers like glue. It's when Hamlin blows away in the wind that Dane has to cover and yesterday he got burned because of it. Tre will be the same. We need Hamlin to play better or get Hyde back. Dane is so not the issue.
  3. Very true.
  4. The fact that Von walked off the field means nothing. Cue: Clay Tomson and Steph Curry. Both tore their ACL and continued to play in the very same game. Clay tore his and continued to shoot the free throws, ran into the tunnel, came back out to play until he finally said "im done". Anyway, let's hope for the best with Von. We need you Vonny!
  5. Sure, if they are interesting. Not spilled grivel all game. Put it this way, if you didn't already know that Josh was "banged up" you have been living under a rock. Give us some interesting play calling. The best way to watch football is without the announcers and just the crowd sound via the twitter feed. Best technology ever created!
  6. That throw and catch were absurd! Josh put the ball into a very small window, on a dime, as a laserbeam! Diggs caught it with the CB all over him. That was special. Josh is da man!!!
  7. I agree with OP. I like Tony R. but yesterday he was repetitive and annoying. "Josh is banged up... gonna take 1-2 weeks". He said that at least 3 times. "Watch out for a pass here.." duh, really?!?
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