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Everything posted by Nephilim17

  1. This win is essential given the meat of our schedule in the middle of the year. Would be fantastic if not for Bernard.
  2. Proves that most of us watch-TV, drink beer/bourbon experts don't know what a HOF player is capable of, even when he's old and coming off a major injury. I'm glad 95% of the people are wrong. I wasn't expecting anything either, FWIW.
  3. Horrible, horrible kick. Good that it happens when a game isn't on the line.
  4. And on top of that, Mitch might even be injured!
  5. Is Gunner ok with that sack?
  6. For all the fun of thrashing the Phins I hope Tua doesn't have a head injury but looks like it.
  7. They're stopping the pass. That's enough.
  8. Yess!!! Another pic! THere's your 53 million dollar midget glass QB! He's great at handoffs though...
  9. That catch and run by Kincaid won't make highlight reels but way to get extra yards and turn a 4 yard pass into an 8 yarder. What a player.
  10. MdDaniel on half-time lockerroom: "There was constructive energy." Ha!
  11. MdDaniel on half-time lockerroom: "There was constructive energy." Ha!
  12. Would love to see her no makeup in a tee shirt and cut off jeans. And just so I don't sound sexist, Fitz in a speedo would look great too!
  13. I hope Phins fans love their $53 million dollar a season QB. And that extension to a 30-plus Tyreek is looking outstanding too.
  14. For a bunch of backups and new players the D is doing all right... Famous last words!
  15. Phins can't handle the figurative heat. They've looked nervous all game, even the coach.
  16. You know how we felt playing the Pats for the Brady era? The Phin's team and fans now feel that.
  17. Hellls yeah! Oliver-e-e-e-e-e-e-er! Sack! What a defensive drive!
  18. Yes! Finally a deeper connection!
  19. I think with all of this running we'll see a deep shot soon...
  20. What a pass in traffic!
  21. Gotta like the officiating so far...
  22. Good kick. Bass isn't wearing the one-side eye black... New thing?
  23. Give credit to Spector on that run stuff
  24. Holding them to 3 would be huge here...
  25. Yeah, baby! Guts and execution!!!
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