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Everything posted by Savage

  1. Didn’t his kid try out for the Bills? maybe still in league?
  2. Mine is Casey Hampton of the Pittsburgh Steelers. prototypical nose tackle of his time.
  3. Perhaps, but Don Zimmer had no business wearing a baseball uniform. wasn’t pretty.
  4. Agreed on my part
  5. Why don’t these guys have their own doctors, with no vested interests, other than that of their patient? I’ve had the same doctor since I was a kid, so over 45 years now, and he doesn’t mince his words when we speak. I follow his recommendations all the time, because it is what’s best for me. if I was in Tua’s predicament, I know what he’d say, and I’d know he was right because he is looking out for me.
  6. Any doctor worth his salt would tell him to walk, no, run away, and live a normal, healthy life, whatever that may be at this point. not a team doctor, or NFL doctor either. just a regular persons doctor. it’s a “ no brainer”. pardon the pun.
  7. It wouldn’t surprise me. it also wouldn’t surprise me if it happened now, if the NFL was actually capable of sweeping it under the carpet, like they are doing to Tua. a hell of a shame what is happening to that kid.
  8. TV coverage in the past 10 years has become incredible. every player, angle, bench, etc… is on camera every single play. in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, TV coverage is nothing like now, can’t even be compared. You can be sure there were many similar situations, and worse, just not within camera shot.
  9. The best way to neutralize Deion was to run the ball his way. he would run the other way!!
  10. The bigger question here is what you would say to Tua if he were your son. I don’t know Tua, so it doesn’t really matter to me, but if he were my son, I’d tell him to walk away while he still knows his own name. money is of no concern, nor will it be for generations of his family, guaranteed contract money aside. Pretty sure his team, or team management don’t give a rats behind about his health, as they have a huge amount of $$ invested in him, and right now, Tua gives them the best chance to win, if the coach really cared about Tua the person, like he says he does, he’d tell him to pack it in right now. it’s not a nice thing to watch, and will only happen more often, and get worse.
  11. You’re right, but wrong at the same time. if the subject doesn’t listen to the officers, the situation will go bad. at a certain point, the police can’t relent, and it becomes a war of wills, and it ends bad for everyone. if a police officer asks you for ID, or whatever, just comply. if you look for trouble, you will most definitely find it, and very quickly, and maybe very badly.
  12. I’m not sure what it is you’re saying, but I’ve never been in the military, but damned sure they don’t the lives of the non military. and, I’m thankful for that, and thankful for them.
  13. The military is a completely different animal. not even close to real life as most of us know it to be.
  14. A very astute opinion and observation. even in other countries, mine included, a 22-23 kid Is way too young and immature to carry a gun and expect to control whatever situation they walk in to. hell, 30 year old kids today have their heads so far up the arses, it’s unbelievable.
  15. Zero assumptions. my safety is always priority # 1. if I’m not safe, I can’t keep others safe.
  16. Sounds great until subject rolls up his tinted window, and you have no idea what is happening behind said tinted window.
  17. Watch the video again. Anyway, the result was uneventful, and that’s all that matters.
  18. When you’re detaining one person, and another one is walking around you, he’s going to get what’s coming to him if he’s too stupid to stay far away. once the situation is under control, he can voice his opinion all he wants, just stay away until the situation is secured. like I said, that’s how things go real bad, real fast, for all involved.
  19. I wouldn’t want to do my job in your country. It’s a very violent society. most have little, to no respect for law and order. I vacation in south florida often. quite the culture shock for most.
  20. Comes down to politics, beliefs, prejudices and demographics I guess.
  21. Campbell and the “ other player “, had no business there. that was a perfect example of how things can go real bad, real fast.
  22. Dude, I’m not looking for a fight. just stating my opinion. I’ve never been a fan of the HC. good coach? yes, absolutely Just won’t bring the team to the promised land. again, just me opinion . no need to get bent it of shape if it differs from yours.
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