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  1. Love me some Hamlin though. the guy just steps up every game.
  2. I still think McD is a deer in the headlights. he lucked out yesterday, sad to say it. I don’t have confidence in him.
  3. You stand behind your z&hit, I’ll give you that. I don’t always agree with you. I respect you for it.
  4. If he would of flipped it, Game over Bills.
  5. Would you admit it if someone called you out otherwise?
  6. He’s solid. could do much worse. Bishop anyone? not a chance for me. Hyde is done. he’s not playing, never will. he is there as a tutor / coach. nothing more.
  7. We all saw that. Thank god he didn’t do it. He wanted to do it. Divine intervention perhaps??
  8. Agreed. stand out game.
  9. Looks like difference of opinion is frowned upon.
  10. As he should. I’m not a fan of the rotation thing. let them get in to the flow of the game.
  11. Stats can be deceiving, or don’t always tell the whole story.
  12. No hatred at all. I wish he was tearing it up, but it just ain’t happening. he’s rarely on the field, and when he is, for a good portion of it, it’s garbage time.
  13. The Bills lose = The Bills choke.
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