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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. Haha that FG kick looked painful. awesome drive.
  2. Well at least I can say that I think the refs suck even when not watching buffalo. This is bad
  3. What a waste. I'd be pissed. 3 TO.
  4. Lookin like Houston and Cleveland
  5. I feel like it's something g that everyone in their heads can wonder about, BUT be the person who says it out loud and you'll be labeled negatively. I'm not on board with a full fox idea, but I also think that there can be bias or sway on a personal level be it refs or whoever. Even then I feel like it would be hard to pull off.
  6. LOOK. If you remove The G, I, A, and T what do you have??? ALLEN Stadium. Fixed
  7. THIS GAME CANT GET OVER WITH SOON ENOUGH. weather.... now politics?????
  8. I mean I'll give him credit for that. For sure. Yep pretty much a bunch of guessing and talking about those guesses
  9. Pretty indicative of this thread. I too couldn't listen to wgr much the last few days because of weather talk. That and all the mason Rudolph fear.
  10. Flacco throwing scared now
  11. I love night time snow shoveling. Seriously
  12. Man idk. Seems like every pass play is a big one with them. Maybe Cleveland's Defense isn't bringing it today. It's always hard for me to tell if it's bad D or good offense.
  13. Chongli, can you stand and hold my antenna in place so I don't get glitching. Thank!!
  14. Please don't ask. We have 80 pages of weather reporting. 😉
  15. Well I hope you don't feel better soon. I'd rest till idk....Tuesday at least.
  16. Some people going after us fans as if we have a say lol and if there state of emergencies called and your governor and the NFL moving games then why is that on Buffalo. They would have played if the game wasn't moved. People just want someone to blame and point the finger at. I hope so because it was a dumb take.
  17. It could have been stupid for people who didn't want to die. (Extreme response I know). But for real I'd rather people be safe, get a win and move on in the playoffs.
  18. Ok cool. Now we can have our blowout of the Steelers we all wanted to watch.
  19. Man then I'm not driving hours to do it lol I'm guessing so. So what would they do, say thanks for shoveling now go along your way?
  20. Do shovelers get to stay for the game?
  21. I agree. The ptsd is real. it's a funny thing when we have Allen yet when there's snow, it seems more people have faith in Rudolph. (At least there's a ton of talk about how great he is). They are without Watt. I feel that the running game is about even for both teams given the weather. Idk, I'd take Buffalo no matter the weather. But all the talk has shaken me
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