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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. Captain Foresight?
  2. Hey I'm not all against this lol. White and poyer are possibly gone anyway right? Idk. Restructures will happen this off-season. I guess it depends on how bad they'd want him and how serious they are about getting WR help. Go Bills
  3. Well good for the chiefs. We can't afford him
  4. Isn't this how the saints got themselves in trouble. Think I remember hearing this.
  5. Get it all done Beane. All of it!!!
  6. I told my boss that I'd love to play for the bills. He's not threatened by it at all.
  7. I love when they say the age of the person being quoted as if that matters, says goinbreakdown who turns 48 in may
  8. I remember the AKC at one point and maybe it's still this way, but they had pit bulls rated higher than Goldens as far as well temperament.
  9. It's a Sean way to the top of you wanna rock and roll
  10. I'm proud to say that I think a chiefs player is an awesome person. That's what makes a man, not what he does in the field.
  11. It's going to be a long offseason paying attention to the chiefs moves.
  12. Dang. He had to have been hurt. We all saw it. The drop off was there, but that's a big difference overall.
  13. Haha. No worries. I once drew a chiefs player well before they were.....these chiefs. The link didn't work, but papercraft is great! Hey whatever gets those creative juices flowing. It's a great was to "vent"
  14. Thank you Zevo. I'm sure you have a ton of gifts. Even being a great friend or speaking kind words to people is a gift. Don't sell yourself short. I appreciate it man! Do you draw? You said you have a ton of content. I'd love to see other people work. I was super reluctant to put these in here because I'm not the biggest "look at me guy" but I thought sharing art might be a cool change of pace ya know.
  15. If I had a million bucks haha I could quite this movie all day long. Not saying I'd be verbatim but pretty close. One of my all time favorites.
  16. Hope all went well.
  17. Thanks!! It's mechanical pencil lol Thanks man. I indeed do dig.
  18. I appreciate it! Thank you.
  19. Just wanted to share some drawings I've worked on lately. Call it a LAMP or whatever ya want, I just thought I'd share and see if any of you all have any you'd like to share.
  20. Stroud Burrow Purdy i don't have much faith in our coaching for Josh to get one. Things can change and probably will at some point but the question is who's next.
  21. Eerie Indiana - loved it as a young teen Invasion- it was a show that was on after LOST first season. Never got picked up for a second season but I really liked it at the time. Maybe even more than LOST.
  22. You know out of all of this, I want y'all to know I truly appreciate you all and wish nothing but happiness and safe keeping. Even if we all can get snarky and disagree on Bills topics we are all humans and valuable and deserving of love and respect. I appreciate you all.
  23. This is not an argument to what you're saying. I just think the majority of Americans aren't going out and shooting people. There's perspective to be had. It's a hot topic I get it but we cant attack people on either side of the argument because of the small Percentage of idiots that exist on both sides. (Not saying you are)
  24. I care. To say no one cares is too absolute and just wrong. Tons of people care. The problem is we (as a culture) don't respect and love people the way we should. So that's what I try to do. What else can I do ya know.
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