Sad thing is. Hubby is probably right. I think some of these dudes are out to hurt others while giving themselves an advantage. Was it JP that when he hurt his knee other teams started targeting it? I feel like it was him idk. It's sad and it sucks
I agree 100. Offsetting penalties when it come to garbage like this is ridiculous. Have some common sense NFL. Pushing a player and calling him an Ahole is NOT the same as potentially destroying a man's life. Get the hell out of here with that crap. The league should be embarrassed but they're not
Play who you play when you play them. I don't care who's in the field. Too bad so sad. I don't want people injured but no one cares at the end of the day who played.
Thats one of the cool things about music. One of the many cool things. It makes you think about things. People, times of the years, memories and so on. Great thread indeed.