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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. I feel so good knowing that Miss will not be handed the ball today.
  2. This looks good and then I remember no Hyde and white. Go Bills!
  3. I think we've sacrificed those 3 games. Time to rise up and silence all that!!
  4. I think it's the right choice
  5. I'll say this. They are all talented and I have a hard time saying that someone else's art ain't good. There are great qualities to each song but personally none of them hype me up. Cool beats, produced real well talent in the flow. I feel like the energy in Jump around or something like that is kinda cool. Ok I'm rambling. It's all subjective anyways.
  6. Might as well get back on that ride home. Stats....phhhht
  7. Wow and he gets paid to put this obvious statement out there. Newsflash....ALL teams pick up the phone and listen to potential offers that could benefit the team. Ohh but deals might not be easy to complete. Just to make that clear. Ohh and both sides need to agree.
  8. But but ...Tua is better right!?
  9. As diehard as they come- Hatebreed To US fans win or lose!!! https://youtu.be/S4JB7UI0lJQ
  10. Don't you mean the Zack Gelb Shnow?
  11. I didn't even have to see the pictures to know it was a much younger blond. That sounds like I made an assumption, and I felt bad for a second, but turns out I was right.
  12. I wonder if he goes to Walmart and does the same
  13. Fields has such a slow wind up
  14. I have to say, this is cool. I didn't want to let this go by without giving him some credit. It's too easy to get upset and point fingers at a dude. It's important to find good in people too. I'm sure he's a good dude. Made a bad choice and has to deal with it now
  15. I hear ya man. I just wonder how many of us will actually still like this game we love.
  16. Wouldn't know who won the game based on this pic
  17. Im all for the game of football looking like the game of football. Keep all the tech out of it please. I like the human element. I know it sucks when calls don't go our way but that's part of the game.
  18. The Bills have contacted the panthers about a CMC trade.
  19. I'm more worried about one of those Bills beating the Bills kind of games. When the Bills sucked it was just the normal, but now that they are such a great team, it bothers me so much more when they lose those kind of games. Much like the Miami game this year.
  20. I should be surprised but I'm not. I'm a teacher and some of the stuff parents get mad about is crazy at times. I had a kid steal from me once. The item was brand new, still had the sticker on it and I had the receipt in my wallet. I called the parent and she defended him saying they just bought it last night. Maybe the tie in right now is when did we start defending things that deep down we know are wrong?
  21. Just so it's clear. If your emotions are high aaand your an athlete you can push a dude to the ground. So when my emotions are high and a coworker walks in front of me, can I then shove them to the ground or no? Do I have to be an athlete to be afforded this luxury? I don't think anyone would give me grace whatsoever. Why is that? Is it because I don't make millions entertaining people? Honestly if the camera guy was any of your wives or kids and some random schmuck did this the excuses would not be existent. Im not saying it was a life threatening shove or that the camera guy should seek legal actions, but I'm also not going to think that it was ok. Thats just my opinion and although I may not agree with a lot of them out there that are defending Adams, I do value those opinions as well.
  22. I just don't understand why everyone in football can be questioned except the refs. The only answer is one that I don't ever want to think as true and that is that there is sway in these games that the NFL wants. Now I am not saying that I believe this is true but I think people could for sure have a conversation about it and neither be looked at as crazy.
  23. My son and I notice how Mahomes tilts his head when he walks. Lol. And licks his lips.
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