Everything from timing of players getting healthy to Luck to mystery flags/ mystery no flags just says it all to me. I'm not going to be surprised or watching when KC is in the Super Bowl.
Because I complained about the defense way too much. They did get a bunch of turnovers so I kept b!+chin and they kept getting turnovers. It worked out well.
Aaron Rodgers is that you?
We've had better defenses than this years defense and the coaching blundered it up. It's hard to feel confident in a lesser defense and the same coaching philosophy.
Nope, you're right about the play. At the time I was for sure glad he didn't go for it, but after rewatching a couple times, he may not have made it. Hey I'm just used to having Josh. Josh would have made it. Rogers.....maybe not. Probably not.
I may be wrong here but it seemed the play had progressed beyond when this screen shot was taken. I thought players were further down field at the point when Roger's could have ran. My son and I were saying the same.
Are we worried about Miami? Serious question. I'm always nervous. 3x in a season I don't like the odds given how many times we won and some of them have been close.