I gave a angry face because you may be right and I hate agreeing. I still stand by my comment above that he needs to be used correctly. Wishing him nothing but the best.
Dayum. Idk why but this kinda breaks my heart lol. As weird as that sounds. He's just such an awesome dude. I hope he goes to a team that knows how to truly use him and that he kicks a&&
I think what Mahomes and even Burrow show that Allen hasn't as much is consistency. BUT....Id like to see Allen with the Oline of KC and the weapons that Both KC and Cinci have and then gage how the three stack.
Not saying this as a complaint pursay, but it's not going to be Wagner. When we see an Lb signing most people are going to either say "who?" Or say "that's was my sleeper". Just my guess of course.
That's fine. Listening to wgr I've heard a few times that he wanted to play but would he have. And a herniated neck is a serious thing. I'm just stating what's been said by way smarter people than me.
I think the NFL will be better without Rogers in it TBH. He not even a Jets right now and he's doing to them what he's been doing to GB for years and NY WANTS HIM? Red Flags dummies