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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. Poor guy. I was listening to a podcast and they remembered the listeners that we just can't predict every situation that can occur. So we just have to do the best we can and while we understand that feeling of guilt, we have to give ourselves grace because animals are unpredictable. I'm. It sure if hearing that helps me right now but maybe in time I can let go of the guilt that I feel and stop questioning every singe "what if" that comes to my head.
  2. This is hard to read. So sorry man That's a really interesting concept, but sounds like the owner has a heart for people who didn't know where to place their grief.
  3. Yeah. That's hard. This reminds me of the African gray parrot my my parents had for years. They can live up to 70+ years but Jazz's life was cut short by cancer. He was an awesome bird. He'd give me chills sometimes because he's talk in my fathers voice even after my Dad passed.
  4. I'm sorry for your loss. I can't sleep right now because I'm having all these questions too. For us it was an accident. It involves my son and not to get into a ton of detail, but I just have a ton of questions for him, but I don't want to ask because I don't want him to have guilt out on top of the pain he's already processing for himself. I wonder what might have going through my cats mind, do cats have those kind of thoughts? Was he feeling betrayed or unprotected by us? It's killing me to think all of this stuff. I have been reading a lot to find out how cognizant is a cat. I just want this to go away and go back to before it happened.
  5. I made this. Thought id do a little tribute. I do a little cartoon thing of me when I was a kid so this is 1980s me. He really did bring out the kid in me. Thanks for allowing me to process with you all.
  6. This is how I feel for sure.
  7. Thanks for sharing these stories man. I think I'm going to do what a lot of you have done and wrote out my thoughts. Sorry for your losses.
  8. Or how about "what's your one thing?"
  9. That's awesome. My daughters cat sounds a lot like yours. Super slow to warm up to anyone besides my daughter. I really appreciate you and the others for chatting with me. It helps knowing others understand. I told my wife hat I feel like such an odd ball getting so worked up over a cat (as a 45 yr old guy). Kinda like what Teef was saying.
  10. That's crazy and awesome. Thank you man. This guy will be a legend in this house. I look forward to laughing and remembering him that way.
  11. Man. I can understand that would be hard to think about. She's family man. She sounds sweet.
  12. Awe dang man. I'm sorry for your grandson. I'm also impressed you're a Fortnite playing granddad. That cool stuff. Thanks for writing man
  13. Did you rescue again? I'm sure I will.....in time
  14. That's a great thing man. Having the paintings. I'm kinda like you where I think about when they'd go and how I'm going to feel. Probably because I dread it knowing it's inevitable and having gone through it before. Thanks for you mr words man. Thank all of you for the poems and kind words. You guys are my social media. This is it for me. So I appreciate your responses and stories. Thank you.
  15. Wow yeah man. I can imagine that being so hard to do. Sorry you had to go through that. I feel this as my cat went very suddenly. It makes me so angry how it happened. It wasn't fair. He loved and played with the personality of 3 cats and had zero fear whatsoever. Unfortunately that was part of the issue. I'm sick to my stomach right now.
  16. Thank you all. I appreciate the perspective and kind words. It Mean a lot to me.
  17. I appreciate that
  18. Maybe this is silly idk. I can't sleep and I don't have anyone really to talk to especially at this time of night. I don't do this kind of crap but I'm honestly feeling lost at the moment over my cat that passed today. I'm the kind of person that when anything gets lost around the house, something goes off in my head and I have to find it. I feel that way right now and I'll never get my dude back. Anyway I'm kinda just hoping that writing this helps. Thanks.
  19. Scrubbing socials seems a lot like what sticking our tongues was when I was little. Then eventually the finger went up and maybe a fight happened. The more I type the more I think it's actually not like this at all. Carry on.
  20. Agree. It's bull crap. Cut cable just to lay the same amount in multiple streaming apps.
  21. It's like everyone wants to come to the east
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