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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. That was a really good throw and catch. Mayfield not bad there.
  2. I hate the term "football move". I understand the idea of it but it's just sounds lazy to me. There's tons of football moves. Digg catches the ball gets two feet down and then (punts the ball away) football move. yeah I've got issues today.
  3. Haha dang. Let me go fix that.
  4. Killing my fantasy team too
  5. You know the answer to this and so do the Refs. KC benefits from This sort of officiating as well. fixed*
  6. I'd rather use the term Billsy than call another human "trash". It's a term is Bills fans understand. Keep it. TooBillsyDrive
  7. Haha this reminds me. My wife makes this stuff called Bangle Tiger chicken. It's like a curry chicken. Idk it's ok. I'm sick of it tho. Watch she makes it tomorrow, but not on my recommendation.
  8. Ha!! I totally forgot about Norman. He's still climbing out of the hole in my mind that Henry buried him in. I'm hoping with Benford, it's just that he had to step away for a little tweek. I believe if they miss any practice snaps they're marked limited so we'll see.
  9. This is 100% correct. Sorry. A thumbs up just doesn't cut it. We just don't speak of Mahomes clunkers even when we all see it at times. Instead the room just goes silent until the next week.
  10. My answer would be a sad one.
  11. It's not great. Dane Jackson. Taron Johnson (slot corner) CamLewis (sort of a safety/corner) not sure if they'd call up Jamarcus Ingram from PS. I'd be interested in Sul even if Benford plays. At least if he plays a little. Sul has a great attitude about it. Says basically that this is what he gets paid to do and other than terminology, he knows the style system buffalo plays.
  12. Trust me man. I'm not upset in the least. It's just been a talking point and was fresh on my mind. I would love nothing more than to talk Xs and Os because truly there is a lot better things than whatever it is we're going back and forth about. I say truce. Lol
  13. I'm obviously not very well learned.
  14. You just choosing to not take into consideration that I said this in the original comment? "Obviously this has nothing to do with you, so just know that I'm simply talking to you since your a fan. (Respect man)" You come back with all this "amateur fragile fan crap and then try gaslighting with your "up in arms" comment. This is a message board where we talk about all things related to the game. Your team and the media have been making waves on social media, and sports radio in regard to this topic so Get off your high horse and stop acting like your so above.
  15. Don't give me that condescending crap. I wasn't attacking you. I DO know that they were answering questions. I'm not an idiot or fragile. The bangles are the ones causing the drama. "Please disrespect us". They are looking to get offended and find material and yeah their media play into it. Waaaaaawaaaaaa the NFL we're selling tickets to Bills KC game last year but guess what they were selling bangles and Jacksonville too, but all you heard about was Cinci being "disrespected". "The league is fixed and selling tickets to Buffalo KC." Give me a break.
  16. Speaking of trash talk. I wonder how the heck an adult, collage educated in fact does not know how to read and truly comprehend what is being said. How can Boyd and Chase not know how to break down simple sentences? The one Isaiah McKenzie made about how the Bills didn't plan well for the weather and the Bills game plan was not conducive to the conditions. They want to use that as Bulletin board material and then use it to tough talk. "We're here come beat us" lol. These dudes don't even know McKenzie isn't even on the team anymore. For real. Wonder if Carson Palmer has ever said anything about the Bills. Let's use it to go along with our "nobody respects us" narrative. it's silly. obviously this has nothing to do with you, so just know that I'm simply talking to you since your a fan. (Respect man)
  17. Haha. People complaining about complaining is ironic.
  18. I'm sorry but we can not call it home field advantage if we can't game plan for the elements in our own house. (This comment is not directed at you, just piggy backing on what you're saying)
  19. Sounds like McKenzie was blaming our own game plan. Bangles players hearing what they want to and flipping the narrative about as bad as my wife does right here.
  20. I'm pretty sure you can not have battery heated clothing.
  21. Haha I saw what you were up to.
  22. 10,000- 7. Shout out to freddy's dead. Haha
  23. Ahh yes the good ole just got here injury.
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