There is a thread here about "burn out" and how football used to be a distraction. All this is a microcosm of everything I'm trying to be distracted from. This isn't fun reading all that Dunn had written. It's not fun reading multiply posts by fans taking sides and being divided.
If we were winning none of this would be an issue. We all be saying "who cares if McD wants them wearing boots" And a bunch of other tough guy crap. Who cares if he has staff come in early and leave late? If our players go golfing or star in a commercial, we accuse them
of not being focused. All of this sounds like a temper tantrum or a beat, it's just kicking the Bills when they're down. I have to show up to work 20 mins early and leave 29 mins after. Should I quit my job? Hate my boss? I have to "dress for the position". Tyranny!!!
there's not another coach out there that much of this can't be said about, so no, the grass isn't greener.
I'm not a Big McD guy. I don't like his coaching style or his philosophy of the game. He is a horrible manager and dodges issues. I'm tired of it all. But I kinda believe that if anyone wanted to they could write a ton about all the garbage each one of us too. Fire him
because of Xs and Os not because of this article.