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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. Buffalo doesn't look like they have the same energy right now. First drive. It's a long game. I still have faith.
  2. I want to see the Bills stop KC on their first drive. Let's start there.
  3. Do the Chiefs seriously believe that nobody believe in them? They are basically 16-1 and they are acting like they've been counted out. Wow!
  4. Kinda already does. Maybe because I'm waiting for our game to start. It's like eating breakfast before opening Christmas gifts. Just get it over with.
  5. You can select options under the pic file and adjust it to small. It'll work. That's cool you met him. How'd that happen. Can't sleep. I think I have Covid or something. It's wrecking me. So what do I do? Check in here!!
  6. I just found this pic today that I painted. I used to paint players and get signatures for my son at camp. Fun days.
  7. That's got to rally the team a bit. I like it!!!
  8. I want the rain delay game in arrowhead a few years back when the whole game just felt like a win. Thats the kind of win my heart needs. None of this down to the last seconds, leave it to the refs, or a defensive meltdown.
  9. I said"Yes" for this week only. Maybe it's pride but I don't want the Bills to lose to a rookie. Not saying they'd lose, but if it did happen, in some alternate reality, I wouldn't like it. No sir
  10. Much appreciated haha
  11. I don't mind the remedies itself. I think there is probably some real good value to them. I just don't like the anger that gets put on me if I even suggest anything else. I'm not a black and white guy. I think there is a lot of grey in life ya know.
  12. I've never hear of any of these but the snowplow. You made those up on the spot didn't ya silly guy?
  13. Haha. Ehh it's just opinions. Cant let it get to you. Everyone has one. I freakin love the song. Always have. And I'm one of the biggest metalheads probably on this board. It is an odd sports song BUT it pumps people up so for that I get it. I guess some just like more of a pump you up thing idk. Go Bills
  14. Wow harsh lol. Sheeeeesh
  15. That one dudes voice..... like he's talking from the pit of his gut. He sounds like a large human.
  16. Orr the refs will throw a flag on our go ahead TD and THEY will play Mr. Brightside. Dancing and playing air guitar with Mahomes.
  17. Haha yep. Even fake Josh is knocked em down.
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