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Joe Ferguson forever

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  1. Nazi jokes…I bet Jews everywhere are thrilled. Insensitive doesn’t cover it but this is the new norm.
  2. That happened during a time when many extremists didn't feel comfortable being openly racist, unlike now. Much has changed in a few short years, in a very bad way. Then and now, intimidation is a primary objective. Putting racist leaflets at a trailhead in a busy town accomplished that. Lots of precedence for similar events. Not sure why you are skeptical. Perhaps because it doesn't advance your or many of the other MAGA's here narrative.
  3. it gives you and derry lass many opportunities to express your views.
  4. Sure you do. That's why you posted it. I'm sure you can find greater immigrant suffering to post. Try harder.
  5. What high school did you attend? Lew Port has a decent sized gym but Madison Square Garden wouldn't accommodate all these factions https://www.adl.org/resources/report/hate-their-hearts-state-white-supremacy-united-states
  6. It might be in Ireland which is quite open to immigration and generally liberal. You're an outlier from your current countrymen Plenty of white supremacists here...
  7. What are your thoughts on white supremacy?
  8. untrue in every way. And you'll never do what I want. You're a far right extremist. We agree on almost nothing.
  9. Even in Va, it's frigid today. Much warmer climate starting Sat. Retirement is great.
  10. Let's ask "Doc" what this might have been...Anesthesiologists use ketamine regularly...
  11. you mean someone who really understands the new testament? yeah, that was dumb. even dumber would have been including the 10 commandments in the program.
  12. ""They don't actually have the money" https://www.mediaite.com/news/elon-musk-blows-hole-in-trumps-big-ai-infrastructure-announcement-they-dont-actually-have-the-money/
  13. whatever this is, it looks as bad as Biden's parkinsons
  14. I thought you freaks were rabidly opposed to censorship. hmmm....
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