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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Show us some context for all the articles. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
  2. I think ford SHO's are ugly. Fast but ugly. buy a nice European or Japanese sports car with a standard, then you won't look like a state trooper and you can have fun cornering.
  3. Yes, we have a "doctor" here and 2 "molecular biologists" (what are th odds?) that find the time to post 1000's of times. And some seem to think that showing John McCain reciting time honored American ( real republican) beliefs about communist countries supports their perverse cause. How f'in bad must their lives be to push for russian dominance. They must be getting paid twice the standard russian poverty wage.
  4. to be fair, it's not mostly maga money. most don't pay federal tax. even the high earners like trump. it's yours, mine and like thinking American's.
  5. When I was in grad school, we had 2 great Persian friends. Brother and sister. She was extremely beautiful. He was a science nerd. They went from riches to rags overnight after the revolution. Their family was ostracized and destroyed. But they carried on with NIH stipends, no less. Money well spent. They produced very good science. We should remember that it is from this area that the "cradle of civilization" sprang. They were leaders in science and the arts. now they're shite, as you outline. Authoritarianism brings out the worst and suffocates the best.
  6. If I were a betting man, and we all are to some degree, I'd bet 1. yes, but trump isn't willing to propose it 2. No. even trump isn't that stupid but I suppose it depends on the value of the kompromat. what can be worse than what we already know? little boys? little girls? 3. Yes. They'll hold with a few loopholes to make sure everyone stays warm. 4. I think this depends on the midterms. Americans have a last chance to save us from becoming them.
  7. did you have a nice dinner out? We did too. Too damn windy and cold to walk to the bakery for coffee and dessert. But it was nice... Yeah, I was not aware. Who are the good guys? Does the result matter to us? Whatever you believe, I'm a pragmatist. If we can do something covertly to help the side that wants democracy, i'm all in. If they're both bad, let them fight it out for themselves. they'll be less bad people left. I do know the russians are very interested in enlarging their footprint in Africa. Which side do they support?
  8. We got here because of Stalins land grab at the end offWW2 and Roosevelt's acquiescence. Russia has always wanted more than it deserves or can defend. At least, when America had a backbone. They've lost most of theirrecent proxy conflicts. We're holding our own in the one in Ukraine - without troops. The Berlin wall was torn down. Many soviet holdings were lost especially in the Baltics. You lost the most important event in the 1980 olympics (carter embarrassed you!). Perostroyka began. You still had *****!y grocery stores and movies and pop culture. Ya'll would pay a premium for levis. You wanted to be Americans. And then you made Americans stupidly believe...they want to be you. No small task. Bravo and shame on us.
  9. she's a neanderthal witch. who cares. Let's go back to John McCain and Afghanistan and Iraq being too colored for America to help. Much more interesting than this *****.
  10. If by "we" you mean Russia, I'd say y'all got beat in Afghanistan.
  11. Not a word about "orchestrating regime change"... Just basic, traditional American policy ion helping those repressed by authoritarian regimes get out of their pitiful situation. No wonder trump hated McCain who was an American War hero and honest broker. More convinced that ever that your a Russian troll. F off Boris. Isn't it kinda late in Donbas, no?
  12. Ukraine has been a been a side bet in the continual US/Russian international game of poker. We went “all in” by overthrowing a democratically elected government in Kiev and Russia called our bluff. The current administration is playing with a hand partially drawn by other… Ah, the tired betting metaphor from the mobster administration. Susan Rice is a pulsar. I agree with almost everything she says.
  13. Dude, it's rhetorical question. And they're an actual smart people. But they're not looking to overturn the 22nd amendment and remove the 2 limit max for prez...or anything. nope. Just a sad joke on the state of the nation.
  14. There's your demon. Is he infiltrating gov't as an unelected "advisor". Ridiculing gov't workers? Directly profiting from govt contracts? Supporting neo nazi parties in Europe? No, he's not the one....
  15. See. Now you did it. A promising new, sharp recruit has called it a day due to your silliness. Just go suck putin's #### already.
  16. well, not really hire...It was kinda the scenario vance described for Ukraine...conscipts sent with no choice. and ending in body bags. This is what authoritarian govt's can accomplish
  17. Look back a few posts at the discussion of how misleading this disclose tv post is. If SC isn’t embarrassed by that, he’s shameless we already know you are.
  18. I guess we should be killing Uyghurs and ethnically cleansing so we can keep up with the Chens and korsakoffs.
  19. It seems one can’t support Ukraine without supporting the deaths onf hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers a day. I don’t think that’s true. For instance, a truce with 3 rd party security guarantees is an option.
  20. cool. So who was at fault for yesterday? the implication is you feel it was trump. You're against colonizing Greenland. Therefore, making Canada the 51st state is unacceptable? Panama canal? Tariffs on Canada and Mexico? Lots more to ask since I don't recall you volunteering your opposition before. But it's a start.
  21. except that you rarely disagree with his statements and policies. even the highly controversial ones.
  22. It later came out that Rice and Tony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, and Alexander Vindman may have been personally advising Zelensky to do this meeting in the way he did -- that they recommended him to be hostile yes, and trump may have become a rainbow farting, unicorn of a humanitarian. this is meaningless gossip. it's what pretend journalists and propagandists do...
  23. No US troops have been involved in Ukraine so pretending that we have done more than Europe will militarily is ridiculous.
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