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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. threatening political opponents with the military, continuing to dispute the transfer of power after an election, fomenting a riot in our capitol building, stating that immigrants are poisoning our blood....Is that not enough for you?
  2. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oil-could-fall-to-25-per-barrel-by-2050-if-net-zero-emissions-goals-met-iea-says-183256015.html Can we all agree that$25/bbl oil would be a good thing. Then we can let the middle easterners figure it out for themselves.
  3. It was hostile. And she kicked his ass. That was jousting. He got knocked off his horse. Multiple times. She didn't. For all the world to see. When is trump doing MSNBC?
  4. https://www.nbcnews.com/specials/russian-disinformation-2024-election-storm-1516/index.html This is how a Russian disinformation campaign starts.
  5. Per Drudge "Cat eats Fox" https://deadline.com/2024/10/kamala-harris-fox-news-interview-1236118193/
  6. Slavers? Black Jamaicans were slaves. Some would say they still are.
  7. sounds eerily familiar First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller What time did this play in Sydney?
  8. You're funny! almost as funny as Julia Roberts brother on dancing with the stars. That's harsh. Sorry.
  9. bookclub. I never wrote that. It's fake news. Deepstate shite. I was misinterpreted. Not wha I meant, what about (insert maga name).
  10. Somebody gave me some really good weed or moonshine. I forget which.
  11. We must have watched a different interview. She emasculated him. That's good.
  12. Ok, then. Thanks. But still don't understand why. And who is Ashley St Clair? Is she related to Taylor Swift?
  13. Is Dr Umar that crazy dude. Dr Umar is doing us D's a favor. Umar! Umar! Umar! or UMA, UMA, UMA
  14. What are you gonna do for fun? You can only bowl so much .I actually love bowling. They opened a duck pin bowling alley nearby. never tried it.
  15. The "house ***** and the field *****" OMG. No other words but some advertising guy will. In an ad for Kamala: https://www.rawstory.com/trump-black-voters-malcom-x/
  16. OK. Give us a first hand account of Orlando after the hurricane. Always important.
  17. Ok, so I recognize this guy from some obscure movies. what crime did he commit?
  18. RCI (the publication, not the timeshare company) employs Julie Kelly as an author https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/authors/julie_kelly/r. Kinda makes me suspicious of RCI ( they weren't good at trading timeshares either) She shared this article widely. The author of this piece is, Jon Lott, is in fact, the president of Crime Prevention research center who quotes himself and his research director, Dr Moody in the piece. Hard to believe, I know. But you are correct that she is not the author. Mea culpa.
  19. either he wants a civil war or he likes the idea of prison.
  20. I thought the man bun and fingernail polish would give me away....kidding. but I did wear a ton of facial bronzer.
  21. I voted today. Seemed a D crowd but that's a guess. Saw one D I know well. There was an R " poll watcher" who let us know he was an R. He seemed surprised when we let him know we are D's.
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