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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. how bout we leave it at, " it looks worse than just normal aging and morbid obesity".
  2. guess we'll need to watch how he walks to the podium. gotta admit this video of him getting out of a golf cart didn't upset me https://www.newsbreak.com/inquisitr-news-522568/3837831157866-donald-trump-s-limp-raises-alarms-is-he-hiding-any-serious-health-condition
  3. I think it's that a Euro cabal wants to precipitate WW3. Nobody who shouldn't be in a rubber room in a mental hospital wants WW3.
  4. so when do you expect it to improve? Do you think tariffs will increase prices and increase inflation?
  5. yeah, not really how it works (article 5 only gets triggered if a member is attacked) but I think the US remaining in NATO will be a requirement for a peace deal.
  6. It's up to the Ukrainians. does Eastern europe include Ukraine? If so, they might agree. Should the US leave NATO?
  7. you mean we can stay in an ignore it should it come into play? if that's the case then we should just leave what would Putin do?
  8. So helping Ukraine to become a democracy and escape an authoritarian dictator wasn't a wise move for America not in our lane? do you think we should;ld leave NATO?
  9. Article 5 is of existential importance for all countries involved.
  10. Seems Rubio made leaving NATO difficult. If we don't have a few moderate R's that vote against it, were f'ed. no hope for the country. https://www.yahoo.com/news/musk-wants-leave-nato-thanks-191326505.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  11. so you really didn't expect better? not important to you..not interested as sherpa would say.
  12. they don't care about the market. They're not invested. But the prices?...I think we'll start hearing the moaning soon. I'm not liking this too much https://finance.yahoo.com/?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  13. so you believe putin could be trusted as an ally?
  14. asked and answered. you're not acting as a gadfly but rather a chigger.
  15. don't be opaque. It's ugly. Of the European/US allegiance....as I wrote
  16. yes, the US has engaged in plenty of bad stuff. Some of it is covert but necessary. All global powers need intelligence that can only be obtained this way. But we also have checks and balances and for now, democratically elected officials. And actually, until recently, the US was handing out toothbrushes and cookies in Africa as well as health care and vaccinations. trump and musk nixed all that and red states have systematically removed most of the cringeworthy US history from textbooks. The saudis and middle easterners have been tolerated but monitored and at times admonished (but not by trump. Kashoghi was no big deal to him and the LIV golf tour is making money). The Israelis are far from lily white but we theoretically hold some sway through financial and military support. So, yes, national morality is a matter of degree. And it largely depends on who is president. And history will judge this president and the people who enabled him harshly. And for what it's worth, we should be teaching kids about our historical mistakes so that they aren't repeated. Finally, do you see Stalin and Churchill as morally equivalent? They both had covert forces and were involved in morally ambiguous decisions...
  17. confirmation. now they have it. this is the undoing of a peacekeeping, mutually beneficial alliance since ww2. they needed to be sure before giving up on it. I think they're pretty sure...
  18. I think that as long as trump is in power, that's where we are headed. Europe doesn't trust trumpski. I don't think Canada or Mexico do or most of the rest of the world at this point. he'll likely withdraw from NATO anyway. Our strongest alliance then becomes the one with the murderous, barbaric russian regime. here's some Bman or NC level sensationalist journalism but if even part is correct, it explains much of what we are seeing. https://www.mind-war.com/p/stop-being-shocked
  19. Get trumpski and The US out of negotiations. stand aside because they're clearly biased toward putin. let Europe broker the peace agreement and back up security after the deal is made. meanwhile, Zelenskyy meets the King (in his customary clothing) and British MP's are calling for the trump visit to be cancelled https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/zelensky-wears-solidarity-outfit-meet-34779520
  20. childish. So in your eyes, the 2 options for Ukraine supporters are : go with whatever trump and putin want or go join the fighting for Ukraine. You commies are really bad at false choices.
  21. interestingly, here is the explanation of the UN resolutions that Rubio completely mischaracterized. The resolution was amended by france and russia. The US refused to support any resolution containing the phrase that russia was the aggressor in the war. https://www.npr.org/2025/02/24/g-s1-50473/un-ukraine-resolution-russia. Nearly all of the free world disagrees with this characterization. Russia was the aggressor. Interesting that you use the words "seized" and "fight for" in relation to russian aggression. they are appropriate words. And why would anyone attempt to explain this situation without invoking putin and trump. they are central players. why would you try to impose that ridiculous rule. Your posts read like they're right from the pages of russian media. Me thinks you protest too much... and BTW, trump likes Putin. He's said so many times. decent people do have to be anti putin. he's a murderer, dictator, tyrant and war criminal. and that's ok with you.
  22. it's not what we're doing. trump called ukraine the aggressor and zelenskyy a dictator. He defended Putin repeatedly saying he and putin had been poorly treated by the US gov't. I'll have to go further back in this interview to see if rubio was being asked about the UN resolution that the US sided with russia and N korea with while all of our traditional allies voted the opposite way. Look, you're clearly a Russian apologist or perhaps even a Russian troll. We get it. You're on Putin's side. From here on out, everything you post should be viewed through that prism.
  23. yes, it is. Simple. straightforward. puts the onus on the perpetrator. What's not to like, Sasha? What are your objections.?
  24. no, Yuri. Tell your boss to stop the invasion of Ukraine and all of this goes away.
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