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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. no. bad is bad. good is good. He's bad. So is Clarence.
  2. the scary thing is that he still has the votes of the 31% bottom feeders there. Catching a big ole carp can be fun though. We always bring some corn to chum the river for them in case the smallmouth aren't biting.
  3. maybe you should listen to the whole clip. "perhaps ...roasting a key demographic not the best political strategy". I don't find Jon Stewarts sense of humor appealing either.
  4. nah, if trump wins, I'll be fine personally. I may move, but I'll be fine. food will be more expensive after you deport 1/2 the farm workers. I didn't realize there were so many magas that lost their farm jobs to immigrants.
  5. interested as to whether the mags commenting here agree with him https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-warning-donald-trump-enemies-fear-1903830
  6. it's great if you have globally competitive skills.
  7. they'd be doing better with a $15-20 minimum wage, universal health care and stronger unions. but yes, they are doing worse and likely will continue to with global competition becoming more fierce.
  8. he could also get a home equity loan on his increased equity. But if he needs that now, then his earnings to support a 401k enabling early retirement are iffy. Just doesn't add up. nor does a middle aged man making mother f'er jokes. no, it's not.
  9. so your returns on investments are better than the cost of inflation. You're better off than you were 4 years ago. stop lying.
  10. it apparently sucks for you and i suppose many of your fellow maga's. C3 and I are doing fine. Many people are.
  11. nope. stating the obvious. no grasping needed. Melana was on fox saying her husband is not Hitler....in broken eastern European english. you can't make this up and trump is gonna fix it? look at the inflation numbers at the end of his term. and some people are struggling...mostly maga's
  12. Do you own your home? pretty nice gain there for most.
  13. because there are many Americans in denial about the fact that generational wealth is decreasing for unskilled laborers and they're still spending like nothing has changed. In short, living above your means is dumb.
  14. it's not like you'd be cashing in principal. you'd just be taking capital gains. but if you aint got em, you aint got em. the question posed was "are you better off." If you're not, you weren't invested enough.
  15. let's look at the first 3. The dow was up 25% last year. if you had even $125k in an aggressive 401k, your up 32k in 1 year. did your gas, groceries and utilities cost that much? but you don't have that much in a 401k, do you. So you need someone to blame for your failings. what a loser.
  16. you can touch it anytime you want. or you can stop funding it. but it's telling that at age 40 you'd even consider those options.
  17. Why are you not better off Irv? Are you a worthless loser? your mom must be so proud.
  18. are you better off Irv. it wouldn't take much, would it? couple 100? well, he's best friends with you. so...
  19. he used words with several syllables. They didn't understand. He was right on. As articulate as is possible. Nailed Stephen Miller's nazi quote. See if the MAGAs condemn it. They can't claim it's humor or was misunderstood.
  20. yes, i'm better off. and if you have an average sized 401k you almost certainly are too. but MAGA's are below average in just about everything but especially basic decency. c'mon Irv make a sexual joke about my dead mother. POS.
  21. not one maga here condemning the racist remarks. Rather, they are defending them. Tells you all you need to know.
  22. Who could've foreseen this reaction? did they throw votes away on purpose? no way they went off script. they knew exactly what these "comedians" schtick would be.
  23. ya know when rappers use N*****? it'seems like it's ok within the same race. can't say I understand it. But it's largely true.
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