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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. If you think a team of analysts didn't calculate the cost/benefit for his statement, you're probably a maga. In part it will come down to how good the analysts and strategists are.
  2. he's not wrong. the only people offended will be maga's. they're already gone.
  3. and?...he's a douche. you think trump's propaganda ministers were unaware?
  4. Rick Steves drives me nuts but his travel advice is very good. He has great guests but he always interrupts them. He did a great doc comparing nazi Germany to the US a few yers back. He's right on here.
  5. link? should be easy. you have the data at the tip of your fingers, presumably.
  6. yeah, I'm almost 65. those days are gone but I still like gym women.
  7. A(nother) real Republican https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/i-was-the-director-of-the-michigan-republican-party-i-will-vote-for-kamala-harris,115386#google_vignette I voted for Nikki Haley in the Feb. 27 primary in part to move the Republican Party past Donald Trump. She received 296,200 votes — 27 percent of the primary votes — at a time when it was clear that Trump was likely going to be the party’s nominee. Many of those 296,200 voters will not vote for Trump on Tuesday; I am one of them. Donald Trump and JD Vance don’t advocate for the values of the Republican Party I once knew. Rather than promoting trade with the rest of the world, they embrace protectionism and across-the-board tariffs that will make working families pay more for everyday goods. Harris is focused on targeted, strategic tariffs. Trump has no fiscal discipline. He added $8 trillion to the debt during his first term. Every time he gives a campaign speech he promises a new handout to a different group. I don’t agree with all of Harris’ economic policies, but she is more fiscally disciplined than Trump.
  8. I'm very serious about inflation increasing. You said demand will go down. That's because of inflation. What does the fed do when inflation gets out of control? more importantly to me, what will the market do?
  9. if he wasn't incontinent of feces now (and word is he is), he surely will be then.
  10. Joyful. It must suck to be you.
  11. Kamala pardons him and hunter. Not a fair trade but in the best interests of the nation.
  12. To each his own. gym women are fine by me.
  13. So people could afford less. And that's better? disregarding the opinion of people who make their living on prognostication re interest rates...It's not a good deal for the middle class.
  14. She's not wrong. And she's pretty hot.
  15. I'll bet on the experts here: But it’s the market, not the central bank, that controls long-term rates such as the 10-year, and the market sees higher rates ahead if Trump wins. “Trump’s policies, on net, would lead to weaker growth, higher inflation, and somewhat tighter Fed policy relative to the status quo,” forecasting firm Capital Economics explained in an Oct. 28 analysis. “That points to higher US Treasury yields.” If Kamala Harris wins, the outlook for inflation and interest rates would be about the same as it is now, since she hasn’t proposed any dramatic changes that would affect rates. Under that scenario, Capital Economics expects the 10-year to average around 4% for the next year, slightly lower than it is now. But if Trump wins, the firm sees the 10-year rising to as high as 5%, with other interest rates rising in similar proportion. Two Trump policies would drive rates higher. The biggest effect would come from his plan to slap a 20% tariff on most imports and a 60% tariff on goods from China. That would be directly inflationary. Tariffs are a tax that raises costs and prices. US importers would pay the higher tax and try to pass it on to their own customers, all the way to store shelves. In other news, MAGA's are dumb.
  16. So who wins if interest rates go up under trump? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/commentary-if-trump-wins-expect-interest-rates-to-rise-135558524.html
  17. I'd suggest this book to him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Millionaire_Next_Door. To most of us, the path to wealth is living below your means.
  18. my friend's son and his family are moving back to Asheville now that schools are open. Given the devastation, it's a remarkably rapid step in recovery https://www.yahoo.com/news/ll-able-rebound-asheville-students-213218095.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  19. Yes, more R's are voting early since their cult leader told them to in 2024 and discouraged it in 2020. Just means less R votes on election day.
  20. you mean after maxing out your 401k, you don't hide the rest under your mattress?
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