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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. well the median American is up $51k since 2019 average American wealth is over 1 mil. Seems like a pretty good economy for most. $1,063,700 The average American net worth is $1,063,700, as of 2022. Net worth averages increase with age from $183,500 for those 35 and under to $1,794,600 for those 65 to 74. Net worth, however, tends to drop for those 75 and older. money.usnews.com › money › personal-finance What Is the Average American Net Worth by Age? - U.S. News The median net worth of Americans in 2022 was $192,700, according to the Federal Reserve. That's a $51,555 increase from 2019, roughly a 37% jump and the largest recorded since the Fed began collecting this data in 1989. (Data is in 2022 dollars.)
  2. kirk and cernovich are freaking out. awesome. https://www.yahoo.com/news/maga-bros-freaking-because-many-145548643.html
  3. The graph was purposefully misleading re timeline. Couldn't nail down the cause immediately. Sometimes I amended EKG readings after my initial dictation. Sometimes I edit posts here. Sometimes, I'm actually wrong. But not this time.
  4. hilarious. is maga going to burn her with the books.
  5. could 3 southern states go Harris (Va, NC and Ga)? yup, they could. That would be cool. https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/31/politics/cnn-poll-georgia-north-carolina/index.html
  6. is this a joke? are you alright. they're not sending their finest people to PPP.
  7. the x axis starts 6 am oct 29th for both red and blue plots. the msg rally was oct 28th. AP reported on Hinchcliffe's insult at 12:05 pm that day. It would be nice to see the data from then til 6 am on oct 29th. conversely, the red line is present on the graph before, during and after the Biden comment which occurred yesterday afternoon.. to be comparable both lines should have equal timelines. in short, this graph is comparing apples to oranges re timeline. also strange that searches spiked at midnight for biden's comment.
  8. there are violent radicals on both sides who clash, reminiscent of Germany during the Nazi rise to power (communists vs nazi SA). No one believes this is the mainstream D party no did anyone believe that the German communists represented the establishment.. Many were arrested and served time. Few apologized for them or called for their being pardoned as R's have for Jan 6 traitors. They are mainstream R's as their continued support illustrates.
  9. historically, it's been a good thing excluding horrible movements like nazism.
  10. thank you. what dates were the two garbage comments made relative to the graph. MSG was Oct 28. When was the Biden quote?
  11. it was a race riot. Very common historically, largely because some races have been systematically disenfranchised based only on their race. Some may be D's, some may be R's for the same reasons you and others here R. Few, if any, would likely be categorized by the groups I pointed to as establishment. D's are now the party of the establishment. Even staunch, authentic R leaders recognize that.
  12. yes, because historically the aristocracy, upper class, bourgeois and intelligentsia have been the revolutionaries while the working and lower classes have been peaceful 🙃
  13. honest question: there's no legend for the graph re red and blue lines. Do these represent R and D viewers? If so, this would be as expected. Secondly, the explanation says the data is for a given region. Which region. Really bad journalism to post a graph like this without these parameters. It's essentially meaningless. likely by design.
  14. Biden won in 2020. did you forget?
  15. what a bunch of duplicitous, shameless grifters. more MAGA cartoons aimed at grammar school intellects. Lipstick on pigs. maybe he'll do stunts featuring what trump has called black jobs. you seem to know him well. what jobs does he mean?
  16. he's correct. this will enrage the handmaids but they're irredeemable and frankly, who cares?. it may empower women only slightly below the curve on gender equality or with a domineering spouse. either way, harris is winning the female vote bigly. women are smart, getting the better starting jobs, graduating from college and professional schools more and angry at attacks on their autonomy.
  17. Is that the royal "we". we see you too and would rather not.
  18. Cool. Bucks county went to Biden in 2020. The felon, the clown and the garbage man! Inspiring.
  19. I'm shocked he agreed to this. His morbid obesity is obvious.
  20. a US president should be above goading... see nuclear football.
  21. the reason the MAGAs are so confident and also the reason while they'll riot if trump loses https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/29/politics/video/maga-republican-conservative-trump-news-media-digvid
  22. Very sad. I presume he was relatively young. Agree that SDS did an excellent job. He was a fun poster. A reminder to live for the day.
  23. most optimistic poll Ive seen in a while. I'm predicting the blue wall holds and we'll have President Harris for the next 4 years. If the Pueto Rican vote is responsible for carrying Pa, all the better. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4961843-polls-show-vice-president-harris-leading-trump/
  24. got another tee time in 45 mins. will address others later. but, covid was your first point. most people try to make their strongest argument first.
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