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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. this could be good. Evolution in real time could recur. He'll give crackpot, dangerous advice and policies and the dummies will follow them. People with any brains will listen to their doctors 99+ percent of whom were immunized against Covid and every other preventable disease.
  2. I wear my sunglasses at night
  3. I don't think abortion is an issue to young men. But porn definitely is. only 40% have ever had real sex. And disrespecting women isn't going to make that better. According to Jessee Watters, a woman secretly voting D is as bad as infidelity. Charlie Kirk sees the act as destructive to the American family. These guys aren't gettin any at home for a while. No birth control needed. https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/01/politics/video/women-secret-vote-harris-trump-digvid
  4. Few mentions of this but this is the biggest story of the day. Even for trump, it's shocking. Because of SCOTUS he could get away with it
  5. Must be how it was done. Never been in a golf locker room with communal showers. Somebody must've been really interested in his schlong. Weird.
  6. What about his posts make you imagine his penis size? Weird
  7. 60% of men under 30 are not in a relationship mostly because women are more selective and looking for quality. I don’t think they’re finding it in the average deplorable
  8. Good for her. Inflation is down, interest rates are dropping and the economy is zinging along for all but the deplorables.
  9. Compromise is how bills are passed. There was compromise until trump nixed it.
  10. so a few is not better than many. maga logic. you weren't aware that Lankford was an architect of the bill, now were you? btw, you answered your own question about a revision.
  11. I think bringing up ugly stories before the election is normal politics. At least this one is credible and has some evidence to support it.
  12. ah, so now you make summary judgement. I think I'll believe Lankford over you.
  13. because non whites aren't really American, right? And women should be subordinate to men? I think we should deport Melania. She speaks broken English and is a first generation immigrant. You should look into Vivek as well.
  14. I'll let conservative R senator Lankford answer: The bill also would have supplied more funding to interdict fentanyl and human trafficking, and it included $60 billion in aid for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel. “It doesn’t have everything in it I wanted, it doesn’t have everything it it my Democratic colleagues wanted,” one of the architects of the bill, Republican Sen. James Lankford, said from the Senate floor before the vote was taken. “But it definitely makes a difference.” In the lead-up to the vote, Lankford accused his Republican colleagues of opposing the bill on political, rather than policy, grounds. “It is interesting: Republicans, four months ago, would not give funding for Ukraine, for Israel and for our southern border because we demanded changes in policy,” Lankford saidon CNN. “And now, it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end, they’re like, ‘Oh, just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year.’” The bill was also supported by several groups that typically align with Republicans, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Wall Street Journal editorial board. The National Border Patrol Council, a union that represents about 18,000 border patrol agents, also endorsed the bill. my guess as to why there was no attempt at further compromise: The bipartisan authors of the original bill felt it impossible given the political consequences the remaining R's prioritized. but you'd need to ask them.
  15. i like freaks more than magas. at least most of them are overtly honest. there isn't a political issue that trump hasn't tainted. this is a politics board...
  16. if the border is such a high priority, the bill would have passed. no, i don't want murder of anyone by anyone especially liz cheney by trump.
  17. how are we going to close the bet? i think there are plenty of scumbags on both sides that don't want this coming out. my gut feeling is that epstein was mossad or at least worked with them.
  18. of course. there's no way a serial adulterer, rapist, beauty pageant owner could do something like this. you just know it's untrue.
  19. this was the only coherent statement. thank goodness. you'll have no effect on the prez or down ballot election. you're in the right place
  20. doesn't concern me a bit. i eat lots of fruits and vegetables. they are relatively cheap now.. but if trump stayed out of the way, we'd have an immigration deal.
  21. anyone not directly benefitting from MAGA's plans has every right to claim intellectual superiority. How do you expect to benefit? Will deporting immigrants make your life better? Tariffs? Subjugating women? RFK with no medical training or education acting as head of multiple health agencies? And there are garbage heaps of immorality, unethical behavior and stupidity in MAGA.
  22. And sacrificed her political career for her ideals. MAGAs don't have ideals. They have cartoons and memes that trigger anger and idolatry.
  23. yup. if trump wins and Elon gets his way, I'll need to talk to my financial advisor about safe havens. it'll be an economic bloodbath for everyone except billionaires; they'll have inside information. so sad that there are so many stupid Americans but trump loves the uneducated don't ya know? this is why. I'm betting they're not discussing this on bongino or hannity etc. And on Tuesday, Musk reiterated the anticipated economic pain from the plan. In response to an X user who wrote that spending cuts would cause a “severe overreaction in the economy” and that “markets will tumble,” before the U.S. emerges on “sounder footing,” Musk responded, “Sounds about right.” was your walmart bill 60% higher?
  24. those struggling now will be hurt the most by a 60% increase on cheap, imported Chinese goods due to tariffs..
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