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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Settlement does not require Fox hosts to admit lies. They'll likely pretend that it never happened. And people will still listen. And posters here will still link to ole tuck as evidence of their narratives legitimacy. But it shows Fox and trump were working jointly to push the big lie... equating all news agencies to Fox is a gross distortion. This is by far the biggest settlement in the history of media. These lies had a profound effect on American democracy. Many fox viewers still believe the big lie.
  2. Yes, anyone with a brain now knows that Fox and especially Carlson should not be trusted and don't provide news. Unfortunately, many Fox viewers are brainless.
  3. and how does that relate to Fox settling for $787 mil?
  4. Smartmatic case is for $2.7 billion. big wallet.
  5. Fox made a statement with very limited apology. Fox lead story right now is about an ethics finding against Biden's HHS sec for publicly supporting a candidate in a Cali election. No idea how @daz28sees these cases as related. but he's clearly watching Fox closely. Have you seen anything about the big settlement there daz? Fox Corp. just released a statement: “We are pleased to have reached a settlement of our dispute with Dominion Voting Systems. We acknowledge the court's rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false. This settlement reflects Fox's continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards.
  6. Still nothing about it on Fox site. Dominion is valued between $30-80 mil. Settlement was 10X or more of their value.
  7. Special independent counsel not involved. 2 big companies stared each other down and the one that had to defend lying blinked, big time.
  8. "Money is accountability. But We're not done yet. We've got some other people who have some accountability coming towards them...we'll move right on the the next one (case)." Lawyer for Dominion stay tuned.
  9. $787 million. "The truth matters" per Dominion counsel. Staple St Capital owns Dominion. They got big bucks for their stockholders while rubbing Fox face in the mud. they were after $1.6 bil.
  10. Huge case settled just before trial starts. Details to come. Big implications for Fox financially and for reputation. Discuss.
  11. Fox settles with Dominion! Can't wait to hear what Tucker has to say about it and how much Fox paid
  12. The opinion of a man who was Thomas friend for years is relevant. Oh yeah, and he works for Fox. Stll waiting on an explanation why a man making $300k/year needs the help of a billlionaire to provide housing for his mother. Tory Anarchist Catcrap? only the best sources for u MAGAs. and then MAGAs complain about real journalists.
  13. https://www.newsweek.com/bud-light-boycott-tears-republicans-apart-gop-social-media-reactions-1794884 This horrible beer is so important to the far right. One of the worst beers around and they're all freaked out. You'd think they'd be trying to win the senate and white house back. But nope, A truly lousy beer is what they're fighting about. morons.
  14. https://www.mediaite.com/radio/is-he-even-literate-fox-news-host-slams-biased-judge-in-dominion-case-as-small-potatoes-running-clown-show/ says a right wing shill on a network set to lose billions. Small potatoes and clown show, look in the mirror Levin.
  15. In practical terms, it has been extended to married and unmarried couples for centuries. Bastards have always been low on the social acceptance scale. Mistresses, not so much...
  16. me too. And sex...why is what you want more important than what I (and what the vast majority of humans) want? you wanna be a monk? No one is stopping you. Perhaps you've already decided to be celibate. Good for you! I guess...
  17. Well, Thomas Jefferson said a lot by his progeny. But I don't find that argument convincing. From what I've read about some of them, neither did they. Two consenting adults are an entirely different matter.
  18. as usual, nebulous argument. could be interpreted a thousand ways. splain...
  19. We all have a constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. Unless I'm mistaken, many people get happiness from sex but...they don't always want to produce babies. And many of them, society doesn't want to. Therefore, contraception is a constitutional right. That and because contraception has been practiced as long as humans have existed. Blow up dolls are a relatively new invention and from what I've heard, unsatisfactory. What's your opinion? Seriously. do you want unwanted babies everywhere from every instinct induced act? What a mess... but if you just wanna say no, that's great. I guess.. Leave everyone who doesn't alone (or with someone else who disagrees with you).
  20. Payless gets most of their shoes from China. Trump gets most of his swag there too. A guy running for local office runs a MAGA store. I asked him how much of his stuff was made in USA. To his credit, he said "very little". Which is fine if you're not chanting "buy American". Which we should all try to do.
  21. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/17/clarence-thomas-investigation-fox-news-juan-williams But, Williams said, “the smell of financial corruption around Thomas is now stronger than the longstanding fear that his votes on the high court are dictated by his hatred of the liberals who put him through painful nomination hearing[s] dominated by Anita Hill’s charges of sexual harassment” in 1991 “He has always been gracious to my children,” he wrote, “as a guest in my home and even at my birthday party.” Citing Thomas’s rise from poverty in Georgia, Williams said the justice was “a man who can recite Malcolm X by heart and expresses Black nationalist positions on the depth of Black self-sufficiency when liberated from interference by white racism and white do-gooders. “That’s why, to me, Justice Thomas has always represented the best ideals of what Black men – like the two of us – could achieve in modern America with hard work and thick skin.”
  22. Not a word about why a billionaire was involved in the transaction. Not a word about why the $500k trips weren't officially disclosed. Did clarence expect the ethics committees to read his $13.99 kindle book? c'mon. Lte's see how pro publica responds to the other allegations... so why try to defend thomas with whataboutism? If that was not your purpose, what was?
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