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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. WAH!! another MAGA victim... https://money.yahoo.com/dan-bongino-blasts-fox-news-232431713.html There is no honor among thieves.
  2. i found this but not directly comparable and old data. would suggest op is FOS https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/blacks-and-whites-victims-and-offenders-aggressive-crime-us-myths
  3. i haven't seen anything like what the op stated. it's incumbent on him. interesting that the meme posted also has the source obscured
  4. here's a citation. ;looks vaguely similar to this trolling post on a black book site: https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/9578-blacks-commit-60-of-all-violent-crime-—-but-only-14-of-the-population/ new posting instructions from a white supremacist group?
  5. delicious as the Chicken pot pie we just finished https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/20/politics/mike-lindell-2020-election/index.html
  6. Fox didn't take one for the industry. While other site are biased, Fox was/?is running a propaganda mill. Other than OAN and perhaps CNN, I can't think of a network anywhere near as partisan. They operate in a unique risk pool for the issues in question.
  7. Partisan in the sense that I'm in disbelief at what the Republican party has become. and am vehemently against what it now stands for.
  8. You totally misunderstood. I consider myself a moderate D. When I lived in Ann Arbor I was considered somewhat conservative. Everything is relative. I’m against corporatocracy. I’m for democracy in the naive Mr Smith goes to Washington way. We should at least aim for that state. And I don’t believe the majority of Americans are racist but there are many more than I imagined
  9. I think it can be made more fair. There are a large number of D’s that want higher taxes for the Uber wealthy, me included. Balance can be struck between vast wealth inequality and actual socialism. I also feel D’s at the current time are promoting freedoms more than R’s especially re sexuality and reproductive rights. Plenty of improvements D’s can make in our platforms however.
  10. I would argue that the Dem party still is. But also of big biz. It's a balancing act I believe they pull off better than the R's who are just lying to the working class. Remember when trump was going to bring all those coal mining jobs back to West Virginia or improve the healthcare system? Many current R's just won't accept that its is impossible to turn the clock back. The world is vastly different.
  11. it must hurt incessantly to be a chronic victim...
  12. I did some farm work and lots of lawn mowing as a kid. Farm work is one of the most dangerous jobs around. Agree that kids should be able to do some jobs but at capped hours per week to provide time for education and some fun being a kid. Especially before age 16. It's just ironic that the party that supposedly stands for the "working man" supports this. Not many rich kids are going to be working before age 16....and while we're at it, let's get rid of the agrarian school calendar. Kids rarely work the fields to help run the family farm anymore. Let them learn year round so we can compete intellectually with the rest of the world.
  13. Howard Beale's character had good intentions. He stumbled onto some corporatocray news and "meddled with the primal forces of nature". I believe the boardroom scene with a master of the universe demanding atonement could really happen- perhaps Murdoch with one of his shills. But it didn't happen to the lying election deniers. They carried on like their jobs depended on it...and given their audience, they likely did. They weren't necessarily nefarious (although I believe most were), they were just looking out for themselves. Murdoch saw dollars...and perhaps a place in a US dictatorship. Rush limbaugh was a racist. He proved it many times. And he helped make overt racism socially acceptable (at least in MAGA circles) again. Completely agree on Newt Gingrich, another top villain in recent American history. I've seen him speak. Total snake but somehow stupid people are attracted to snakes. They often don't even realize when they're getting bitten. Go figure. Oh, and O'reilly is providing revidsionist history stating that "Fair and Balanced" was an actual code of ethics at Fox during his tenure.
  14. many people think many entertainment shows are hard news. That's precisely the problem. The genre must be explicitly stated and it may be in the future given the litigation risks.
  15. Hoping the result of this is more clear labeling of opinion by all media..and that they rid themselves or muzzle the loose cannons as the NR article stated.
  16. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/three-hard-lessons-from-the-dominion-defamation-lawsuit-against-fox/ thoughtful analysis by National Review
  17. Does this, in any way, make you suspicious of OAN? Make her claim more reasonable? it does for me. information I was unaware of but important...
  18. agreed. From the article you linked. Friday's ruling stated, in part: "[The] Court finds that the contested statement is an opinion that cannot serve as the basis for a defamation claim. Plaintiff has not shown a probability of succeeding on its defamation claims, thus, the Court GRANTS Defendants’ Special Motion to Strike…. Because there is no set of facts that could support a claim for defamation based on Maddow’s statement, the complaint is dismissed with prejudice. After Defendants’ motion for attorney’s fees is resolved, the Court will instruct the Clerk to close this case."
  19. Surprise, surprise, surprise https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/fox-news-says-little-air-about-its-7875-million-settlement-with-dominion-2023-04-19/
  20. Then it would probably be smart not to bite the hand that feeds it by sanctioned lying. On further review, Stable St Capial based in Toronto is the owner of Dominion as I originally stated. Not State St. Capital. The maddow suit was dismissed. The CNN suit was settled and was poor journalism by CNN but not nearly as impactful to the nation as Fox flaming the fires of the Big Lie and an open question as to whether CNN knew their reporting was incorrect. I suspect they didn't but Fox clearly did.
  21. I'm sure if trump felt he had a case, he'd sue. he may be needing the money soon.
  22. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/18/why-fox-news-had-to-settle-the-dominion-suit-00092708 "And, of course, the backdrop here is that Fox’s business model has for years drawn intense criticism from media analysts who have argued that the network routinely crosses the boundaries of responsible reporting by pandering to its mostly conservative audience and elevating dubious but politically convenient claims. The settlement appears to have less to do with other media outlets than it does with the particularly outrageous facts and circumstances surrounding the conduct of Fox, its executives, and employees toward Dominion. This was a stunning case of media malpractice, and Fox is now paying for it."
  23. it's still corrupt and you all will still watch and believe. The arguments are entirely predictable: Moral equivalency and whataboutism. Nothing about the guilt of Fox...
  24. Settlement does not require Fox hosts to admit lies. They'll likely pretend that it never happened. And people will still listen. And posters here will still link to ole tuck as evidence of their narratives legitimacy. But it shows Fox and trump were working jointly to push the big lie... equating all news agencies to Fox is a gross distortion. This is by far the biggest settlement in the history of media. These lies had a profound effect on American democracy. Many fox viewers still believe the big lie.
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