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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Yup, but there's a downside to those types of dogs. Just rescued my Aussie/jack russell mixes after they broke through the electric fence again tonight.. Coyotes howling and bears in the area. But they do bark a lot.
  2. Yes, she likes Ikea. I've seen her assemble some. Lots of it is really good stuff. Have it all over my house too.
  3. America was the closest thing to true representative democracy in history until...you finish the sentence. Monarchies are done, thank God.
  4. What a mess. But I think we are beginning to clean up the aisle. carry on... So who are the good guys? nihilism sucks. you've picked a side. now make it better.
  5. Hilarious that the people portrayed on the left cartoon images above are all now integral parts of the "Republican" party.
  6. For 2 cycle small engines, mix your own fuel. Get some colored oil to know what you've mixed. Use no ethanol gas. much cheaper than the premixed stuff.
  7. Music fest season is coming. These guys may be at a fest near you
  8. If you start me up If you start me up, I'll never stop If you start me up If you start me up, I'll never stop I've been running hot You got me wrecking gonna blow my top If you start me up If you start me up, I'll never stop Never stop, never stop, never stop You make a grown man cry You make a grown man cry You make a grown man cry
  9. The subject of God has nothing to do with Murdoch or Carlson.
  10. Yup, that's what MAGA is all about. Great plan....I think the Beta's are in the most danger. Many don't live in gated communities or can afford security mercenaries. Nor do/can I. Carpe diem! Alternatively, we can vote against MAGA's...
  11. America is about social mobility. That's what makes it the shining beacon it is. imo, D's policies are often aimed at giving everyone a leg up - think Medicare and Social Security. R's are more targeted and historically less impactful. Statistically, education is the most reliable way up the ladder. Which group is more supportive of education? btw, no one is keeping or thinking about keeping you, me or our God out of civilization.
  12. So the categorization of social and occupational groups is not something that R's do? They've cynically targeted two whole subsections, one for their hate and one their love.. Caste systems in various forms have always existed, everywhere. The degree to which it is practiced in Brave New World is being most rapidly advanced by the right. Voting restriction laws and redistricting are 2 excellent but terrible examples of designed subjugation of lower socioeconomic groups.
  13. yes, the meanings of those books are so obscure. They were clearly predicting the looming drag queen and transexual take over of the future world....
  14. Couldn't care less about you. Going after Carlson as I have many times before he was fired. He was a dangerous, lying opportunist who misled and influenced millions of stupid people. Fox thought enough of Corn's opinions to have him on 60 times. But perhaps you can post something from Catturd or some other star far right "writer".
  15. The author, David Corn, knew and worked around ole tuck so yes, I consider his perspective salient: "He was the Washington editor for The Nation[5] and has appeared regularly on FOX News, MSNBC, National Public Radio, and BloggingHeads.tv. He joined Mother Jones in 2007.[4] Corn appeared on FOX News more than sixty times, according to a tally by Politifact.com, before becoming a commentator on MSNBC.[6] In February 2013, Corn was given the 2012 George Polk Award in journalism in the category of political reporting for his posting of a video and reporting of the "47 percent story," Republican nominee Mitt Romney's videoed meeting with donors during the 2012 presidential campaign.[7]" So rebut away. And cite the bonafides of the author you quote.
  16. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/04/tucker-carlson-long-con-fox-news-trump/ and yes, I watched the weak tea "special" he aired about the "peaceful Jan 6 protest" after the radical R congress critters released some meaningless footage to him exclusively. "As I write, we don’t yet know all the details of what led Fox to toss cash-cow Carlson to the curb. But one thing is certain: It wasn’t for his perversion and poisoning of the national political discourse. That was his raison d’etre at Fox. He was no truth-teller. He was a pro-MAGA, for-mega-profit propagandist. Carlson’s personal journey is a tale of the Trump era. Like the GOP, he was already on the path to right-wing demagoguery before Trump oozed down that escalator. As those dark political winds grew stronger, he eagerly raised the sails and exploited the Trumpfication of the Republican Party and the conservative movement. But by ending up a Fox cast-off whose phoniness has been thoroughly exposed, Carlson has finally provided something of a public service. He has both emblemized and revealed the fundamental truth of the network: We distort, and we divide. No journalist could have done that better."
  17. I believe this topic was meant as satire. I could be wrong and you could be correct that it is in fact, a serious, consequential debate...among MAGA's.
  18. yes, you're right. perhaps we keep that and burn the new testament since it's all about loving your neighbor and turning the other cheek...
  19. any religious text not related to Christianity...Torah should likely be first. Then all books on logic.
  20. The only talented people that go into public education these days are idealists. The teaching profession is still undervalued and now under attack. And you wonder why results are worsening and so many educators are progressive. Compassion and idealism are not characteristics of the vast majority of MAGA's, not to mention that fluency in subjects like calculus and chemistry are as rare as hens teeth among the group.
  21. So damn delusional...The guy would tell his audience that Mexicans were responsible for Covid if his audience had already been primed to believe it by some conspiracy cult. He's not anti establishment. He's pro ole tuck and his bank account and investments. And he's a serial liar with no regard for the health and prosperity of the nation.
  22. Sanders, Warren, Obama and a slew of D congressmen are for higher taxes on the very wealthy. Socialized medicine is a redistribution of wealth that would greatly benefit the majority of the “working class “ despite their failure to see it. The billionaires you named are in agreement for at least the tax part being the lesser of economic evils. can’t think of a prominent R with that platform…
  23. I think the golden rule wins. He who has the gold makes the rules. There’s still some big money with the R’s. We’ll see. Not much either us can do but vote our conscience
  24. Why do you think that is? Cuz the R party’s face is trump and MTG. And they are far from appealing to economic winners. They’re seen as the anarchists that they are : impetuous, moody and frankly, not very bright. Not an answer to our issues. I don’t feel I have a choice for which party I vote for on a personal or societal level. Populism is not pragmatic. It’s destructive and selfish. Simple answers to complex questions = fascism and history doesn’t predict success for anyone with that model. And Covid has taught us that regardless of economic status we are all susceptible to the whims of the stupid.
  25. Hmmmm…digesting like a great bourbon and similarly stimulating. Clinton tried to get national healthcare but failed. That defeat wasn’t for vain glory. He wanted things better imo. Don’t know much about his union politics but in his time the UMWA and other large unions were in his corner as I remember. He is a narcissistic as are they all but I think he valued his legacy. He was far from perfect. I think your argument can be distilled down to the failure of a bicycle economy. We need average folks to be able to afford and buy cars (and lots of other stuff). The growing wealth divide is rapidly threatening that. So we must find a balance that incentivizes investment of personal resources in time, talent and money while simultaneously economically raising the prospects for Everyman. Threading the needle for sure but possible especially since the game is so heavily weighted towards the “elites” as the Right likes to call them. Rich get richer will always be true but the pendulum has swung too far.
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