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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Nope. Step it up knox
  2. seahawks #17 kid....torn ACL. Those braces suck.
  3. OK, what does "you're bachelorette" mean?
  4. Bijan looks like a beast
  5. has Bledsoe been drafted yet? I played fantasy football with a live draft with a somewhat demented guy. we always tried to help but he always wanted Bledsoe.
  6. Not everyone's thing...but give it a try
  7. And you’re the guy who criticizes others for posting so much while posting every waking hour
  8. And MAGA idiots compare him to Jesus...what a cult https://ca.news.yahoo.com/trump-shattered-e-jean-carroll-160955219.html
  9. Del is probably my fav living Bluegrass artist. Sierra Hull is playing mandolin here- def my fav current mando player and a great voice. Pretty sure that's Sierra's husband playing flat top slide guitar. His own band is incredibly tight and the lyrics to this one are great, and yup, they always dress like undertakers.:
  10. can't find the reference but it was based on contribution rates for octogenarians paying in at lower rates and burning dollars like kindling. https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/what-to-know-about-medicare-spending-and-financing/ here's more balanced data. by my math, $1.2 trillion is more than 888 bil. the difference is what is subsidized. Therefore we need to reel in costs. A national pharmacy formulary would be a start as would guidelines and safe harbor laws on futile end of life care. Lots more ideas...
  11. you are mistaken. Traditional medicare pays very well. Much better than the private BCBS insurance I had through a major healthcare system. As far as paying in, I believe the average benefits received or somewhere near 8X's what was paid in. I'd need to look it up however.
  12. here's the sticky wicket and the crux of the problem. Many middle class people, despite the clear future benefits to the them, will yell "Socialism" at this from the rooftops or from their doctors office while using their Medicare cards. Split personalities are extremely rare and the lack of religious allegory in your piece virtually rules out schizophrenia. If you had used "Divine Kay" or "Omnipotent Kay"I'd be concerned...
  13. We are considering a pilgramage to Nashville in Sept. Great line up. https://pilgrimagefestival.com/2023-lineup#/ This also looks good. St Paul, taz and Yarn are fun https://roosterwalk.com/artist/ Merlefest looks awesome as always but probably no chance at tix and definitely no hotel rooms close now https://merlefest.org/lineup/
  14. ours have strange personalities. Thunder, guns and fireworks scare the hell out of them but they'll growl at other dogs twice their size, chase deer at top speed and protect our house and us like their life depended on it. Affectionate, stubborn, loyal and a pain in the ass all at once. and they say owners choose dogs like themselves...
  15. I have the pole saw and hedge trimmer from Harbor freight. Trimmer is great. Constantly adjusting or putting the chain back on the saw. Do u have that problem? any suggestions?
  16. he looks and sounds like the kind of doc I'd refer you to to remove a grapefruit sized tumor from your brain. To be fair he has good reviews as a nephrologist. Thankfully, I'm not on dialysis....
  17. The justice system isn't perfect. One reason I'm against capital punishment. But do we burn it down and start again or improve it?
  18. so why are you advocating for civil war? Not winning? Cheat or change the rules, right?
  19. sure you would/did... and good luck with the civil war. We all know that's your goal. Winning within the rules is mine. It's the better bet, by far...
  20. it's a proposal under debate. And it's stoopid. There are stupid people on both sides. Don't see this becoming policy. Let's wait and see. https://marketbrief.edweek.org/marketplace-k-12/california-pushes-release-math-framework-2023-long-fight/
  21. Smells like apple pie and mudded baseballs to me...competition is the opposite of socialism. LET'S GO!!!
  22. uh huh...the cotton gin was bad for America. Adapt. Innovate. Win. But that takes smarts...Do things other people can't.
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