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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. you can place any "ists" you want on nazis. They were murderous scum and the neo nazis are as well. The philosophy was "we are the superior race, f u if you're not us or die if you're not us"...sound familiar? defending nazis...wow. That says it all...
  2. what about less do you not understand? stopping their sale will result in less.. also, making the sale of ammo for them illegal would result in less. I directly answered the question of civil war. That's up to the people who keep threatening it, not me.
  3. less, meaning fewer semi automatics, are more. Got it? I certainly don't want to see a civil war and certainly won't be starting one. That's up to the MAGA's
  4. Nope. Mass shootings were the context for the quote.
  5. less is more..for what purpose does anyone need a gun that goes in like a dime and out like a cash register (description courtesy of a law enforcement friend).
  6. yeah, trump is more than a bit...you guys are too much. If you were to look for an example to illustrate these characteristics you'd be hard pressed to find a better example than the don
  7. perhaps some remedial study of psychology would be of assistance: https://exploringyourmind.com/how-to-identify-narcissistic-psychopaths/
  8. soon. It's almost 5 here. LI iced tea is the best buzz for the buck on board.
  9. He's less mentally ill than trump and a whole lot smarter...
  10. umm, there's several other diplomatic options. how bout embargoing their imports? Canadians may be more polite than Americans but in my experience almost as capitalistic.
  11. or democracies. They don't want that in the US either and their efforts have been sadly somewhat successful...
  12. Rough seas today. Ports in Mediterranean including Rome, Israel, Greece, Turkey etc. So far it's been great. Excellent live music and dancing. Food is good but not great. Boogie boarded the wave thing and was going to surf it today but too rough. but back on topic: the far righties think their AR's can protect them from the global repercussions if Russia wins so they don't really care. Dummies.
  13. but you'll hear lots of support for Comrade Tucker...
  14. I'm on a cruise ship with several very fit Ukranian crew members. There are also a few very fat, very rude Russian guests. I know which side I'd bet heavily on and who I'd rather be friends with.
  15. It takes only a small push. But wait and they'll tell me how they live inside my head rent free!
  16. Kirk is a POS. Surprised he used the word "fathom" while addressing his audience. Maybe he didn't want them to actually think about it.
  17. it must hurt to be that stupid. It's certainly hurting America.
  18. who said it was? it is a thoughtful article.
  19. I think this is pretty close to the truth https://www.rochester.edu/newscenter/putin-russia-invading-ukraine-explained-512642/
  20. Whenever I see your smiling face I have to smile myself Because I love you, yes, I do And when you give me that pretty little pout It turns me inside out There's something about you, baby I don't know Isn't it amazing a man like me Can feel this way Tell me how much longer It could grow stronger every day Oh, how much longer? I thought I was in love a couple of times Before with the girl next door But that was long before I met you Now I'm sure that I won't forget you
  21. MAGA civil war...pass the popcorn. look out for the AR bullets https://www.axios.com/2023/05/07/fox-news-tucker-carlson
  22. ask Clarence Thomas. They can be cheats as well. Anyone can be anything.
  23. you seem angry and perhaps unstable. definitely resentful. seek help...and put your guns in a locked safe that you don't have the combination to. if this wasn't sad it would be fun stripping away the plywood veneer and reaching the rotten wood. nazi's were thug racist uber nationalists that believed the ends justify the means and that morality and decency were unnecessary. Sound familiar?
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