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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. I lose if there's an economic collapse or a nuclear war. Then pretty much everyone loses. Either could happen with our conman president. But some will still do better than others.
  2. cuz deep down they know that regardless of who leads they'll still be losers. This election has shown that there are more have nots than haves in America. That needs to change but this aint the way.
  3. He met with Zelenskyy and musk https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4981251-elon-musk-trump-zelensky/amp/
  4. actually, he has the economic soft landing everyone hoped for as his baseline.
  5. One of the tenets of fascism is promised simple solutions. Eventually you’ll have to pay attention to the man behind the curtain. He’s not really a wizard.
  6. Ya think cutting out green energy and Ukraine support will lower your grocery bills? Deporting low paid immigrant field worker? Tariffs? Yeah, it’s obvious that many feel like you. But complex problems rarely have simple solutions. And none of these measures will help a bit. At least you were fooled by one of the greatest conmen ever.
  7. i hope he's not stupid enough to go thru with that. or that there are enough senators who aren't asleep. estimates are around $3k per year more per household with tariffs. His base are going to feel it and be unhappy.
  8. not sure what you mean here. He's peddling economic improvement on a joke. They bought it. it's isolationism imo. I don't see anyway tis benefits the middle class and below. fed chair said today that price relief belief will take years, on the other hand, inflation is almost at goal. they don't understand the difference.
  9. At least the commies are happy. dipshites https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ar-AA1tGjwZ “We have won,” said Alexander Dugin, the Russian ideologue who has long pushed an imperialist agenda for Moscow and supported disinformation efforts against Kamala Harris’s campaign. “The world will be never ever like before. Globalists have lost their final combat,” he wrote on X.
  10. gotta like his attitude. "it's a helluva drug" I hope he does well. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/bills-jordan-phillips-drops-incredible-remark-about-return-team
  11. NOVA still loads of vote out. Va is going blue. If it doesn't we're f'ed.
  12. Chris Wallace nailed it: "No one has lost serve". It's anybody's game.
  13. of course they can. but who they choose in an election with 2 candidates with polar opposite stances and cultures tells a great deal about them.
  14. bad = supporting trump. good = not supporting trump
  15. what kind would that be. I need to see if the description fits most of my friends.
  16. everyone's panties are in a twist. There are threads here entitled "Are there any racist institutions?" and "who will we deport?". Any neutral observer reading those would conclude that there are white nationalists posting in those topics and in others dealing with race. I can't reconcile voting for trump and not being a nationalist. His motto is "America first" for goodness sake. He's promised to expand the role of the president and he fomented an effort to overturn an election. so yeah, some white nationalists...
  17. I said some. I see you in a wool checked robe, not a white one. touche. but I think it's better stated "Now about that grammar..."
  18. DJT stock up big at 15% today. Why would anyone make this bet? Tuttle, who currently owns put options on the stock, said the trajectory of shares hinges on "a buy the rumor, sell the fact" trading strategy. "I would imagine that the day after him winning, you'd see this come down," he surmised. "If he loses, I think it goes to zero." Interactive Brokers' chief strategist Steve Sosnick said DJT has taken on a meme-stock "life of its own." "It was volatile on the way up, and when a stock is that volatile in one direction, it has a tendency to be that volatile in the other direction," he said on a call with Yahoo Finance last week.
  19. Dude, the MAGAs here are slightly left of Atilla the hun. Some are white nationalists. They are going to defend that POS regardless of anything that happens. He could shoot some innocent on 5th Ave in broad daylight. Wouldn't change their minds. We'll just have to be satisfied running circles arounds them.
  20. Yes, it is. It was 7 points in 2020 https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/state/new-hampshire/president
  21. I don't think he's complicated at all. completely motivated by self interest. completely devoid of empathy. no moral compass. insecure despite the bluster.
  22. Harris by 21 in NH https://rockefeller.dartmouth.edu/about-center/dartmouth-poll/media-and-results
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