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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. you seemed to have missed the part where the Israeli's first killed many innocent Palestinians. Just out of curiosity, what would you do if you were Palestinian?
  2. Yes, you do or at least, I would. Someone is going to be the R candidate and I believe Moderates and Independents will reject him and his, just like they did in the 2022 midterms. Last night can only help the majority of them to get out and vote against him and other fascist, lying R's. Those people will decide who is the next prez...
  3. So we skipped the first Israeli port on the cruise due to what's going on in Gaza. Went to Haifa instead, cleared immigration and were then sent back to the ship when the war escalated. An Israeli submarine surfaced next to our ship on our way out of Haifa! All I could think is "that was paid for by our tax money. I hope it's here to protect us.". have seen several conventional warships on open water since. Netanyahu is going to get us all killed. What a POS. But they say the Greek Isles are nice...
  4. never met you and don't much like you or Irv. I suspect the feeling is mutual... Been saying this since 2016. He has taken the robes off . At least we often know who were dealing with, how they "think" and therefore how they can be defeated.
  5. Not sure it's purposeful but I think they can be more impactful pretending to be or actually being more in the middle. Their current audience is going to almost exclusively vote blue. Appearing nonpartisan or less partisan may well grow their brand and influence. Same for Fox but not holding my breath for them to become centrist.
  6. progressives have finally realized that the trump base is easily manipulated. They're never going to vote D or centrist R so guide them towards imminently beatable orange guy. Cynical but smart.
  7. only ones who believe lies. he demonstrably lied many times. Anyone with 1/2 a brain can verify this easily. but they won't. I disagree about independents. He lost many with his lies and mean spiritedness. CNN also gets a big thumbs down for their production and having a live pro trump audience. Butyes, he cemented his place as leading the primary. That's good because he's the most beatable R prez candidate. good strategy, non?
  8. perhaps??? So people who don't believe there is a soul can just f off? Who cares what they think. all knowing pokey brain's opinion is what matters and he should control pregnant women's bodies? you're reasoning is ridiculous. I'm not sure you should control your own body. keep your beliefs out of our lives.
  9. the meaning of life is implicit in the question of when life begins. Don't ya think? but I'm sure a movie will settle the issue...
  10. yes, I thought it likely you are a "Christian nationalist" most of whom are from reformed churches. Just a guess. But there exist fundamentalist Catholics too. keep it up with the appeal to authority fallacy tho. It's very effective🤣. So given your intimate knowledge of the thoughts of so many reproductive scientists, what percentage do you estimate believe life begins at conception? While you're at it, please give your scientific understanding of the meaning of life...
  11. and if he published 1000 articles on the subject, would you accept his opinion on when life begins? We both just told you that science can't answer the question. Stop the games. Put your cards on the table and lose fairly. You"re far out of your league.
  12. what happened to "are you published". Would your opinion be changed if he had 1000 publications on the subject? You disrespect science and philosophy with your ignorance but I suppose that's your point...MAGA's aren't real friendly to academics. Get rid of the intellectuals first is a fascist tenet. I wonder why...
  13. and what exactly are your credentials in reproductive science? "multiple" climate" scientists" also say that global warming is a hoax but they are in the vast minority. Can you give a rough estimate of what percentage of biologists believe life begins at conception? I could accurately say that multiple practicing physicians still believe HCQ is effective to treat covid including a poster who claims to be a physician on this board.
  14. can't speak for the gov't but I just want citizens that can logically collate information and use reason. just not going to happen with about 35% of the population who believe a man who admitted to lying in court and used "entertainer" versus reporter or newsman as his defense...can't fix stupid
  15. there are already bills planned to outlaw contraception. What then. Do you pay enough tax to support millions of unwanted and unsupported babies? How many starving kids are enough? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/birth-control-ruling-to-see-fresh-scrutiny-in-republican-controlled-texas-capitol
  16. again, I hope you are correct. re points 2 and 3 I worry about the upper midwestern states: MI, WI, MN. NH and Georgia, especially look good to me. Who would have ever predicted a Jew and a Black Senator from Ga? The south may yet rise again! And Bernie rocks. But he would have lost to trump so it was the right choice.
  17. Awesome. Well put my learned friend. simple minds desire simple answers, however. You couldn't have stated it any more clearly but they still won't understand that science, religion and philosophy can coexist but not always agree. And yet they espouse a "Christian" theocracy for America. God help us.
  18. It's philosophy friend. Not science although the concept of time is fascinating...
  19. recent polling has me in disbelief and very concerned https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3996725-democrats-have-sinking-feeling-trump-could-beat-biden/ but this analysis at the end of the piece is reassuring: “You’ve now had three consecutive elections where Democrats’ performance has been at the upper end of what’s been possible for us,” Rosenberg said. Rosenberg and other Democrats also believe their party will show up to vote against Trump, if he is the GOP nominee. “Anyone who thinks that this anti-MAGA majority that did so well for us these last three elections is all of a sudden going to not show up, well, I have a red wave to sell you,” he said.
  20. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-gop-rival-asa-hutchinson-235500215.html More R civil warring. So much winning!
  21. Gosh, you're slow. And you actually teach people? And someone asks what's wrong with education...Is slowness now a requirement to be an R? Do you need to fail some kind of test?
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