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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Yes. Desantis absolutely rejected fed money for the last climate catastrophe. Louisiana and Texas too. Go big Red independence. Who's tax dollars paid more to help? MAGA's for sure! Please, please let the R governors pledge no further fed money. It will help enormously with the budget and we can avoid default. All hat and no cattle...
  2. c'mon .they''re Bannon fodder for progressive media. As long as they don't hurt anyone, have at it.
  3. Apparently he's interested in some Characteristic, charismatic, commie comments. Alliteration is fun!
  4. yes, it's the old "you can't vote (drink) but you can fight and die" trope. disgraceful R's. Any group against them can't vote. But it's not a democracy to them. Only those on their perverse side should have a say. Anyone on their side, including traitors, should rule...
  5. meanwhile, you continue to post here frequently... you're so clever and such a skilled debater.
  6. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/fox-news-host-brutally-confronts-comer-on-biden-crime-family-allegations-you-dont-actually-have-any-facts/ Doocey actually has a spine. perhaps Murdoch built him one.
  7. Just another hypocritical fascist who harps on about "cancel culture" https://www.mediaite.com/tv/texts-show-tucker-carlson-wanted-to-intimidate-fox-staffers-over-election-coverage-im-happy-to-start-threatening-people-individually/
  8. nope, but I do need to come home. Worse comes to worst, I can leave again.
  9. Wonderful...and I'm in Ephesus, Turkey tomorrow. I guess I might get a preview of what the US will look like after the trump loss. https://news.yahoo.com/erdogan-leads-prayers-eve-fight-104258723.html
  10. makes sense if you only want it to benefit far right posters.
  11. yes, but it takes time away from you posting conspiracy theories.... This thread is as close as we'll get to the far righties admitting that they're losing the debates.
  12. uh huh. And which side uses "cancelling" as a criticism of the other? If you can't win, cheat.... oh, the irony. when you only have a few functioning brain cells, you can't parrot very many thoughts.
  13. it just shows that there are resentful, loser nuts in all races. we aren't so different...
  14. then you better find yourself a doc in the bottom 1% cuz nearly 99% of my colleagues were vaxed even before any mandates...
  15. yes well, if it comes back or another pathogen emerges, they'll die about 5x's more often based on the data. But please, carry on.
  16. He didn't change any minds on the right or the left. What matters is what the middle thought. I'm betting they're way smarter than you.
  17. firstly, I haven't been posting here for years. Second, i have never used the phrase "semi peaceful" and have maintained all along that ALL who break the law be prosecuted....meanwhile the far right think that traitors should be celebrated and freed. Which side do the neo nazis and white supremacists align with? Birds of a feather....
  18. "It can happen again"...which is why we should do everything possible to take down trump and his cult https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/05/12/anderson-cooper-cnn-republican-town-hall-donald-trump-ac-360-vpx.cnn
  19. your actions speak louder than your words. And you're still alive... https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status
  20. you can only tour, dance, procreate and play so much. sometimes you need to rest...
  21. you really need to change your sphere of influence. It makes you look stupid....oh, wait. These conspiracy theories let the dummies think they know more than everyone else. Gnostics so to speak. They then can attempt to ignore the fact that they're in the bottom decile for intellect.
  22. Not sure why that's funny. I live in a town that's over 90% white. How many diverse racial friends are enough? Many people have no friends at all... Several are from my times at universities, several are not.
  23. It's sad that it's necessary. Ignorance is far too prevalent.
  24. again, unsurprised that you fail to grasp the distinction between a political movement, Zionism and a religion, Judaism....
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