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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. try to differentiate between citing someone as an expert and expressing admiration...
  2. and yet I'll bet u supported trump's tax cuts for the extremely wealthy.
  3. please hypothesize on her self serving motivation to supposedly do this. cuz I'm empty here.... yes, like hedge fund managers and institutional investors....
  4. so "us" is not a special interest? are "them'?
  5. u were hoping for a default then?
  6. yes, pandering happens everywhere. And I don't like it anywhere. But what Erdogan has done has the potential to completely destroy his country economic foundation. He's enacting a fundamentally undermining policy that he must know is going to hurt in the long term.... The attack on truth...there are still a few R's that recognize the concept. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/28/liz-cheney-republicans-colorado-commencement-speech-00099132
  7. Don’t think it matters. Trump is as far from a model Christian as one can get and yet the fools believe he’s a gift from God. It’s not about ideology. It’s about tribalism.
  8. https://thehill.com/homenews/ap/ap-international/ap-turkeys-erdogan-wins-another-term-as-president-extends-rule-into-3rd-decade/ proving once again that many voters have no clue how economics work. Erdogan decreased interest rates to make credit affordable short term in the midst of crazy inflation - the opposite of what every other nation has done in similar circumstances. What would have happened had the fed done this on the edge of a recession with high inflation? Many voters here would also be happy but for a very short time period. bread and circuses still work.
  9. This was a stupid, dangerous political game but in the end a reasonable compromise was found. Gives me some hope for a more functional government.
  10. hmmm....was there any racial unrest during those 60 years? old LBJ was almost prophetic. When was the last time a US president dined with 2 admitted nazis? George Wallace might have but he was never elected president...
  11. c'mon. Why try to minimize it? Goose steppers marching down main streets. trump having lunch with neo nazis. hate crimes increasingg exponentially in the last decade. Why deny it? I really want to know your reasoning. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/how-we-rise/2022/05/17/preventing-racial-hate-crimes-means-tackling-white-supremacist-ideology/ really good article on the growing problem. Lyndon Johnson was aware of the threat even in the 60's: "Overall, it is clear that a growing group of white people are perceiving a group threat regarding their power and status in the racial hierarchy. As President Lyndon B. Johnson said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” This is the ideology we must address."
  12. your overarching point seems to be that the vaccines were not useful or at least that's implicit in your argument. why is that a narrative you want to push? The vaccines saved millions of lives. Still likely are. Huge silos of data show this repeatedly. yet you choose to ignore this. Why? Please explain, I really want to understand the pathology here.
  13. what about it?....doesn't change the fact that white nationalist paramilitary losers are threatening the country. why don't you guys wanna admit that. lose the guerrilla tactic advantage? element of surprise? that ship has sailed. we know you're out there. we've seen you even in our quiet, peaceful communities. Just outside the gated communities (and inside the Florida ones). Why not show some public support for your fellow MAGA's? Come out. Be strong! Be openly resentful and angry! Be traitors publicly....
  14. so argue the points. what part do you disagree with and why?
  15. Who the hell are they? hmmm...might include someone I know. tell me more.
  16. poor victims you and the rest of your tribe! Nobody cares enough about you to go to the trouble of setting up false flag ops. You're just not that important. Oh, and domestic terrorism is definitely on the rise. Charlottesville happened. Jan 6 wasn't a tourist visit. And you're a fool.
  17. Yes, because no one could ever be against victimizing palestinians and simultaneously against fundamentalist muslim misogyny...you're a moron.
  18. much better chance to live happily ever after it seems...
  19. just can't bring yourself to comprehend that anti Zionist and anti semite are two different things... Just an average MAGA family on a normal MAGA day... https://krdo.com/news/2023/05/25/he-doesnt-need-help-rep-lauren-boebert-tells-deputies-not-to-come-after-son-calls-911-for-help/
  20. Refreshing honesty. You, like me, want the best chance for your tribe to win. Now admit that your politics are aligned with para military extremists that make up a significant percentage of yours...I'll remind you of this next time someone in your tribe complains that they're getting lumped in with MAGA's. It's a cult, not a political ideology. And a bedrock principle for most MAGA's ....so yes, if the party wasn't far right, they'd have more seats and win more. But they made it a top priority and pulled all the levers including radicalizing SCOTUS. "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts..."
  21. I don’t think he’s better. I guess he’s not as sociopathic. He’s just as self serving and his politics are far right. His entire brand is the culture wars. Nothing else but age distinguishes him from trump
  22. rinse and repeat: black is white, white is black. There is never gray. cuz people like cat$sit and julie Kelly never advance crazy narratives...
  23. He had an amazing career. I thought he was a great trumpet player - not technical stuff but arrangement and tempos. And this is my favorite album cover of all times - unfortunately didn't have that album but the one with Tijuana taxi. Thanks for the tip. will watch! https://www.billboard.com/music/features/herb-alpert-whipped-cream-other-delights-story-behind-album-cover-50-years-later-7370623/
  24. I'm thinking you all have seen the writing on the wall and concluded trump can't win. Desantis has a better chance against whomever D's nominate but there are too many solid trumpers in the base imo.
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