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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. I think the evangelicals inserted a passage in the bible that says "the ends justify the means"...
  2. Real life consequences of over reaching abortion laws:
  3. There was plenty of hatred of confederates. There were vigilante squads all over the south. And who could blame them? They were traitors and criminals.
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12156613/Former-WWE-star-Stan-Lane-takes-DNA-test-prove-hes-not-Rep-Lauren-Boeberts-father.html The Republican party: from the country club to the trailer park.
  5. Did he not sacrifice that token for the debt ceiling deal?
  6. so don't argue. Let "woke" live how they want and you live how you want. just don't hurt anyone in the process...
  7. Yes, great work. Immoral moron. Kinda like here: If you dislike or are losing the debate, misapply the meanings or ignore.
  8. just saw this. everyone misspeaks sometime 😀 https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/06/01/markwayne-mullin-senate-hearing-reality-sot-mwrmx-vpx.cnn?iid=fw_con-hp-9
  9. It should be easy in Fla to ban cell phones in school statewide. That's a ban I'd agree with. Nothing about religion is simple imo. That's we we lean on organized groups to give authority. I believe that all monotheistic religions are praying to the same God. Pick a side and live by the rules and you'll be close to where you're supposed to be. Of course, this could be completely incorrect...
  10. Absolutely. Second and third chances are rare outside of school. Toughen it up. But the parent part is important. Reminds me of the early scene in "Idiocracy" where the kids are running wild, impregnating neighbors and heavily praised for football accomplishments but not academic ones. Also the little gem that well educated adults are having less kids at the same time those that never valued education are having many. Art imitating life.
  11. Jesus is part of the trinity as described by St Patrick as a clover leaf. That's my understanding which admittedly is superficial. from wiki: Traditionally, shamrock is said to have been used by Saint Patrick to illustrate the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity when Christianising Ireland in the 5th century. The first evidence of a link between St Patrick and the shamrock appears in 1675 on the St Patrick's Coppers or Halpennies. These appear to show a figure of St Patrick preaching to a crowd while holding a shamrock,[23] presumably to explain the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.[original research?]
  12. Your summary was excellent. I have also read the old testament from the beginning in a study group of Catholics. Lots of difficult to absorb parts that seem inconsistent with the New Testament. Lots of respectful disagreement among our group on some passages.
  13. you left out vengeance. A vengeful God is present throughout the old testament. While in the new, Jesus is forgiving, many in current society would say to a fault. But that was his point imo. I also think the old testament is largely allegorical. There are people arguing over whether dinosaurs could have fit in the ark for goodness sake. but yes, i think the allegories point to what you say - humans are fallable, turn away and need to get back to God. Regarding education, i think the value of education should be taught formally at an early age. Teach the relationship between education and earnings. Simultaneously teach simple economics. Describe lifestyles for different income levels. Sound rough but it's reality in America and most of the world. It should motivate the marginal students but not all. Also elevate the social value of academic achievement in school and lessen the value of extracurricular activities. That takes parents unfortunately and is a tougher nut to crack. Finally, aren't cell phones banned in the classroom. If not, they should be.
  14. Except that's the way it's supposed to work. Shouldn't we aim for that? Even if it isn't currently true, we should be able to make it more so. Do you really believe we are that powerless? I don't. Stop the steal (Jan 6) and the Russia info are not even close to equal issues
  15. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative. would love to see more members of both parties in this camp. btw, this writer's interpretation of "Ask not what your country..." is a huge stretch. It means what it means.
  16. and another with what the MAGA's here collectively know about medicine. Jack Kemp was a good R. I believe he would be in despair over the state of the party now.
  17. Legal analysis..Lawyers, what u think? https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/05/31/trump-federal-prosecutors-audio-recording-evidence-honig-vpx.cnn
  18. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mar-a-lago-prosecutors-eye-july-episode-with-trump-surveillance-cameras/ar-AA1bUA33
  19. wouldn't it be cool if that discussion was on scientists versus artists?
  20. yes, keep them dumb. But you're right. The employment market is now very open to those without college. Interesting experiment. We'll see...
  21. This is beautiful prose. But total bs. I don’t give a fig what other minority sexual preferences do. I know mine and they don’t bother me. Well, the few attractive females that r gay and don’t take well to being hit on r disappointing. Too old I say…Tango, Levi. Tango is the answer! Pelvis to pelvis. No butts. It's a beautiful dance and is just the preamble...If u prefer more Aryan, waltz, especially Viennese waltz..difficult but gorgeous.
  22. lyrics prompted a listen. Love the video as well
  23. Hey Vern, Have you seen Levi's hamster? He's missing it again.
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