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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. There's this concept...it's called population health and is especially relevant during a pandemic.
  2. i am losing the ability to do math in my head. Could do it pretty well but it's going. Use it or lose it. I don't think I used that method tho. or it could be that weed is legal...
  3. He started or at least greatly advanced this wing nut movement. That's more than enough, thank you very much.
  4. Wow. That's a priority concern for you? c'mon
  5. "It is modeling mental math. Take one from the 8 to make 7 and give it to the nine to make ten. 10 + 7 =17 That should be memorized but kids forget (or didn't learn) their tables. That is how people who do math in their head (most commonly) do it, and the purpose of getting kids to do it is to wean them off of calculators that massively slow them down and since they're so slow they avoid it and avoiding it become really bad at it. Way worse than their ancestors or competition."
  6. nice piece on medical politics https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/4031852-in-florida-doctors-can-cite-succubus-but-educators-cant-teach-morrison/ Historically, medical professionals have been among the most revered and respected members of society and those who we turn to in times of greatest need. In part, this is due to how we regulate and practice medicine. We now must ask ourselves what the consequences will be when there are no guardrails to protect the public against false and harmful information from physicians who have a large social media megaphone. And why do we think it is so harmful to members of our incredibly diverse society to be exposed to literature and art and have teachers be penalized for doing so when children are exposed to hours of uncontrolled social media and internet content per day? Why should a physician be allowed to preach and practice medicine believing in Incubus and Succubus, but teachers are not allowed to discuss the writings of Toni Morrison with students?
  7. … Some boys take a beautiful girl And hide her away from the rest o' the world I wanna be the one to walk in the sun Oh girls, they wanna have fun Oh girls just wanna have
  8. Racketeering and espionage....what a great American! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-funded-studies-disputing-election-fraud-are-focus-in-two-probes/ar-AA1c8ykH Additionally, federal authorities have obtained extensive email records from Ken Block, the president of Simpatico Software Systems, according to people familiar with the matter. The emails from Block to Trump’s campaign show in detail that many of the theories — more than a dozen in total — being pushed by Trump’s team were erroneous, and Block explains the research he conducted, the people said. A person with knowledge of dozens of the emails said that Block at times seemed to be amazed at the theories he was being asked to pursue, along with the shoddiness of the methodology that others had used.
  9. Doesn't sound compelling. Lots of PBS and streamed music. I can recommend the netflix doc on F1 racing. Almost like visiting Europe (oh, and Texas).
  10. Amazing that they so clearly envisioned MAGA in 2006
  11. I didn't have you down as slow...
  12. yes, those billboards are photoshopped!
  13. Dwayne Camacho, former pro wrestler and porn star...
  14. good for you! Many trumpers think differently https://baptistnews.com/article/the-death-and-resurrection-of-donald-trump-a-warning/
  15. the difference is that most who voted for Biden don't primarily politically identify as Christians. Most who support trump do. They are his hypocritical base and they admire him. And the messiah figure has been carefully crafted by trump. He uses religion for votes. Biden has not.
  16. I think the evangelicals inserted a passage in the bible that says "the ends justify the means"...
  17. Real life consequences of over reaching abortion laws:
  18. There was plenty of hatred of confederates. There were vigilante squads all over the south. And who could blame them? They were traitors and criminals.
  19. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12156613/Former-WWE-star-Stan-Lane-takes-DNA-test-prove-hes-not-Rep-Lauren-Boeberts-father.html The Republican party: from the country club to the trailer park.
  20. Did he not sacrifice that token for the debt ceiling deal?
  21. so don't argue. Let "woke" live how they want and you live how you want. just don't hurt anyone in the process...
  22. Yes, great work. Immoral moron. Kinda like here: If you dislike or are losing the debate, misapply the meanings or ignore.
  23. just saw this. everyone misspeaks sometime 😀 https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/06/01/markwayne-mullin-senate-hearing-reality-sot-mwrmx-vpx.cnn?iid=fw_con-hp-9
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