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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. what motivates you to act as an apologist for hate groups?
  2. also with neo confederate groups. now there's a surprise...
  3. close enough...https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/christian-identity
  4. This is really fascinating. Can't remember the source but I read one of their propagandists decided that socialist had been overused and wasn't effective anymore. So they changed to communist. As a bonus commie is easy to spell. These are truly evil, conniving people.
  5. Yup, it says right here on page 171...
  6. News to me. Where'd this come from? I think exploiter and exploited are pretty easily id'ed without their race.
  7. What's the equivalent of the Pyramids? A statue of Robert E Lee who was a traitor to the country that owns many of the parks he was memorialized in (in many cases, not til the 1900''s)? King Tut is no longer a threat to us. Christian persecution in this country, neither. Racism is.
  8. I was not aware that was happening. But there aren't many 60% asian school districts. In N Va.? Ok, wasn't aware of that either. I don't think it's the overwhelming complaint of US teachers tho. I think dialing some of the political correctness amplitude down is fine. Just don't soft peddle difficult history. Perhaps the grades taught these topics should be higher. Don't know. Not involved. School board is not on my to do list but I appreciate those who do it.
  9. much to unpack...for the first line, I'm relieved. There are those here that disagree. There are many nationally that disagree, unfortunately. And their reasoning seems to be the same as your original post: tired of being marginalized. I get it and agree violence is counterproductive. Handful of manipulators? Agreed. Except they are especially proficient and immoral at this time...eg trump. He's an absolute master at it. I'll wait for the what about Biden reply but he's just not the conman and manipulator trump is. at any rate, it's sad to witness such a huge swath of American society that is so susceptible to this crap. very worrisome for the future. Finally, there are several members of my family who are teachers and I know many in the community. I don't hear them complain about CRT. I hear them complain about poor pay, lack of respect, overbearing parents and constant criticism.
  10. I think any group that tries to solve societal problems thru violence is a threat. If they try to eliminate violent members that mitigates it some. If they don't, they are enemies of society and of good, decent people who play by the rules.
  11. rioting and violence are generally not a sign of good and decent people of any political stripe imo. do you agree?
  12. thank you. the words "good", "decent" and "fight" used together sounded a lot like trump before Jan 6. Wondering if white supremacist groups like proud boys or KKK are composed of good, decent people in your opinion. the comment about giving and doing unto others would suggest not. Do good, decent people use violence if they aren't winning within the rules?
  13. define normal and decent.
  14. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4043338-senate-gop-leaders-break-with-house-on-trump-indictment/ I'd put my money on the Senators. “Most Republicans want somebody else, even Trump people want somebody else, because they want to win and they recognize Trump is incapable of winning a general election at this point,” Gregg said. He said Senate Republican leaders should call on the GOP to move past the former president. “I would be advising them to say, ‘Listen, we have to move on as a party. Let Donald Trump work through his legal issues, which are considerable, but we as a party need to move on and let’s find ourselves a candidate for president who can win,’” he said. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) on Friday evening said the charges brought by the Department of Justice are “quite serious and cannot be casually dismissed.”
  15. I don't doubt this. It's what happens to me when I see a rebel flag. I don't understand it but I don't want to outlaw it or punish those waving it.
  16. well, ok then. You changed my mind on virtually everything.
  17. and justice was not served. Isn't that the desired result of the justice system?
  18. the entire movement is a facade imo. Many want authoritarianism. That's what "the most important election ever" is about. They know the demographics are ever worsening for them and left unchecked by an authoritarian, they lose most elections from here on out....and the reason violence is likely. history repeats but hopefully with a different outcome.
  19. Yes, they only show their rabid anger occasionally. But they show it. and what if what was done with the material was to offer or sell it to another country?
  20. the added context is interesting...so is this comment: The eight stages of Trump’s guilt: 1. “I didn’t do it” 2. “I didn’t do anything wrong” 3. “I didn’t do anything illegal” 4. “The people accusing me are guilty” The law is illegal” 6. “Prove it!” 7. “What happened didn’t happen” 8. “It’s fine, I did it and I’ll do it again...
  21. Just saw one flash his fangs in another thread
  22. Cool place to visit especially at Christmas or for concerts/exhibits. . Who has it where?
  23. hmmm..that seems like an attempted insult. when you were single, did u ever look at a girl and silently thought "Hell, yes" or "no, never in my worst nightmare".
  24. you write with different syntax today. Get a better nite's sleep or another writer?
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