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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Methinks Kelly is not a big fan https://www.mediaite.com/print/ex-chief-of-staff-john-kelly-claims-trump-is-absolutely-terrified-of-documents-indictment-hes-scared-shtless/
  2. I've heard it described as "proving his metal". Perhaps I drew the conclusion that while in jail it was done to dissuade other inmates. Maybe he said it. It was 43 years ago. My memory isn't what it used to be. The guy is a psychopath and another powerful, crazy R that went to jail. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/entertainment/books/1980/05/18/gordon-liddy-spills-his-guts/aeb77942-67e2-4c39-b249-c5628100ac1a/
  3. I'll answer from my perspective. I'm not a Biden loyalist. He's an average president but has returned decorum and yes, decency to the office. He';s 100X better than the scumbag. For now, that's enough.
  4. so much love... https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/06/13/chris-christie-trump-covid-hospital-bed-cnn-town-hall-vpx.cnn What a prince...or baron, or Duke. Perhaps queen (typhoid) Mary..
  5. NO ONE CARES...outside of the 35% MAGA's.
  6. You mean the state with 2 D senators? That one?
  7. ya know, when i was in school (yawn), G Gordon Liddy spoke about his new book which chronicled his prison time and burning his palm with a lighter to prove to other inmates not to F#$% with him. And a cute girl a couple rows down held a sign that said "Crime Pays". This reminds me of that.
  8. get an issue. This is a loser.
  9. There's so many different worlds So many different suns And we have just one world But we live in different ones Now the sun's gone to hell and The moon's riding high Let me bid you farewell Every man has to die But it's written in the starlight And every line in your palm We're fools to make war On our brothers in arms
  10. Sleeping in late cuz were just celebra-tin life...and yes, she's beautiful.
  11. i think that's called a nonsequitor but I need to look it up. Isn't everyone but pedophiles, against pedophiles? Mark me down as against. That was dumb
  12. With all the money printing before and after Covid and a proxy war we're winning at the expense of one of our biggest enemies (and by their doing), the Fed seems to have threaded the needle: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/inflation-report-points-to-fed-pause-at-june-meeting-economists-say-the-fed-is-getting-what-it-wants-171059338.html
  13. And you would find all those attributes targets for insults? I'm relieved that you are so pro education. Nevermind, I've got some vinyl flooring to lay.
  14. the downvote was in response to your comment on Frank's family. Maybe you don't know anyone that's honest to a fault but they exist. Just as likely his kids are this than what you described. Not grading for clarity but it wouldn't be good...
  15. ok, pls cipher this. read it too many times without gaining an understanding.
  16. largely under trumps control... not the optimum time right now, huh. Good to know...
  17. State and local police, national guard, even the military if required....
  18. You mean very rich people that support social justice causes are wrong to do it? Bill Gates matches Rotary polio eradication dollars, dollar for dollar. Should he stop? Still not seeing a profit scheme. btw, I don't use microsoft products so if that's the idea, it's not working with me. Gave away my PC for a new MacBook. Better is better.
  19. trying to imagine the financial profit from social justice movements. example? on the opposite side, nuns who regularly champion social justice causes, take a vow of poverty.
  20. unfortunately, it's likely to happen. this time, I think law enforcement will be ready and able. we don't have a sitting president supporting the anarchists.
  21. and they call liberals "sheep". doublespeak lives on.
  22. the ex first lady never showed her titties or "enhanced" her appearance, right? https://theskincareedit.com/melania-trump-before-and-after#gid=ci02c02ef9e0002755&pid=at-the-2010-moves-magazine-power-women-awards
  23. much more pleasant than the "grab them" females shown earlier. I guess MAGA's are drawn to different attributes.
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