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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Who said I'm not partisan. With what the R party has become, there's really only one reasonable choice for me in most elections. We, at least I, call it dancing. Good, healthy activity as we age. And before you say it, no one has ever been forced to dance with me. This is like a PGA player versus a guy who shoots 90's but still, boob rubbing:
  2. I know some very good people in small town and county politics. Have met a few national figures once or twice. Was once called on to revive someone who passed out from heat at a Clinton rally (Bill was there supporting Hillary). Getting emails answered from my Senator is not "being in the club". But, no. I've got nothing to hide and I'm certainly not worried about the Biden admin coming after me. Now, If trump wins...
  3. Exactly, for one it's a wide open question. For the other, it's been documented in legal papers, pictures and videos for decades. And yes, that recently posted vid with eva lola brigida was a reach...she's no Stormy Daniels.
  4. Good point. Queen Rania says "Hi" https://www.hellotravel.com/stories/most-beautiful-royal-princesses-in-world
  5. She didn't seem to mind. But a boob rub by an arm and a pu$$y grab are kinda different...btw, we ballroom dance as a hobby. Often you dance with other partners. Boob rubs are pretty common, especially in Tango or even Waltz. No one cares. in truth, occasionally I get a normal, slight, natural testosterone boost from the dance. Is that bad? Did I miss the R policies you disagree with?
  6. I held plagiarizing Neil Kinnock against him for years. Finally forgave him tho
  7. I’m more concerned about the alphabet companies spying on me. But not that concerned. I’m an open book. And sometimes it’s helpful, albeit scary, to get ads on cameras when the nite before I was talking to my wife about cameras.
  8. Yes, you voted to drain the swamp and then voted for a guy with an already well docomented career of swindles, cheats, lies and pu$$y grabbing. And he is exactly what he’s always been. Strong work!
  9. Omg…this was just after a post on the left’s perpetual victimhood. This post is bordering on paranoia, much less victimhood. Get some help. btw, modern monarchies havent crushed opposition altho king edward was aligned with hitler for a while. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6635225
  10. That’s because it never happened
  11. To understand MAGA’s? Lost cause….
  12. just say what you mean Karl https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4051687-karl-rove-in-journal-op-ed-trump-will-pay-a-high-price-in-mar-a-lago-case/ “Unlike Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s charges of falsifying business records, this indictment is devastating in its rigor of evidence and the seriousness of the alleged crimes,” Rove wrote. “Even so, the case will further tear our country apart, as it has a heavy impact on the presidential campaign and—wrongly—undermines confidence in our justice system.” “The blame for this calamity rests solely on Mr. Trump and his childish impulse to keep mementos from his time in the Oval Office, no matter what the law says,” he added.
  13. My new favorite version of this great song
  14. merrick garland Yes, there's debate about the lines there and plenty of court hearings. Everything is not black and white as you pretend. That's why there are two parties that are ideologically polar opposites.
  15. so you don't support Desantis interference in those issues? btw, if it were precise, we wouldn't need SCOTUS to interpret it and R's certainly wouldn't need to pack the court.
  16. so those issues are in the gov'ts lane? but not gun control, right?
  17. uh huh. you mean like what happens in peoples bedrooms or doctors offices....or what type of flag they choose to wave.
  18. liable for $5 mil. it's about the act and whether he did it. At least to people not in a cult. the R party has always been about selfishness - what's best for ME. at least in decades past, most of the R's were winners or wannabe winners with a chance at the brass ring. Now it's losers who think trump will improve their lives. He won't. He didn't. He couldn't care less.
  19. ok, let's replace rape with sexual abuse. does that make him a more appealing candidate? contemptible...MAGA is bad. very bad. awful. terrible.
  20. what is false? truth clearly means something different to MAGA's than to everyone else
  21. very trumpy of you. Don't admit a mistake and attack...you're not very good at it. Anyone who openly supports a convicted rapist, racist, election denier and indicted traitor is trash and contemptible.
  22. so not this: don't think the OP understands bigotry is being intolerant of others opinions. if you're going to correct someone, you should be correct
  23. ah yes, like Benghazi...
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