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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/19/trump-indictment-2024-00102525 Bad news for ronnie and the rest of the chorus “No one is thinking outside the box on how to effectively message the existential threat and dilemma that the party is in with this,” said a Republican strategist who is unaffiliated with any campaign, but who was granted anonymity to speak frankly about campaign strategies. “There is a non-negligible chance the nominee of our party will be charged and go to jail. Setting aside how you feel about this, we can’t govern from a jail cell. I just think people are scared to make that argument. And when you duck and hide from it – that is why the oxygen is getting sucked out of the room.”
  2. there are these things called contracts. I would have thought ole tuck would be well versed. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-06-18/tucker-carlson-s-twitter-show-likely-violates-his-fox-news-contract#xj4y7vzkg
  3. I never liked Darryl Lamonica...Dennis Shaw was my man at qb
  4. Wow. On youtube? Hell, I've got some vids on youtube/ Can I hawk them here? Angry, resentful, rebellious...Is that cause for celebration?
  5. Is there no lizard skin underneath the costume? No satanic horns and tail hidden by trump's huge suits?
  6. These guys all once had the highest security clearances. trump deemed them worthy of some of the most powerful offices in the land. At a minimum, he was repeatedly guilty of bad personnel judgement ... but it's far worse than that and you all know it. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4054578-barr-bolton-kelly-line-up-to-condemn-trump/
  7. I believe the majority of the board supported a certain GM who is now unemployed in the NFL. Some actually said he was among the best in the league at the time. Oh and Ralph wasn't cheap.
  8. One would reason that if this was such a big concern to the right, they'd work on mitigating the causes. but nope. It's a good talking point to foment hate...
  9. He looks like a genuine evil genius! https://sph.unc.edu/adv_profile/ralph-s-baric-phd/. You losers need someone to vilify to justify your ignorance. got any citations on this from the pizzagate fool?
  10. why bother with the eyeballs Chris Farley? why not engage in actual debate? i know why. cuz you'll lose....
  11. and your point? you believe these folks spent their entire careers, years of schooling and hard work to get to the top of a comparatively low paying occupation as academics (when most could at least double their income working for pharma) to become political science pawns? BillsFanNC is a molecular biologist like I'm an astronaut
  12. have you discussed this with your molecular biology colleagues at Duke and UNC ? I'll bet they'll be very receptive to being told they're part of a cult. Why do you need to lie so much? Is that part of the MAGA handbook?
  13. For everyone missing their Dad (huge Bills Fan) this fathers Day
  14. Love me some Red Molly. Dolly has to love this..at least I do
  15. down to brass tacks....make a huge batch of this. Go to Aldi and buy some 90 sec basmati rice or a baked potato with sour cream.. Some grated extra sharp cheddar. loaf of french bread. you're good. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/231082/just-like-wendys-chili/
  16. Sure, we're the ones talking about civil war, space lasers and citing the pizza gate fool as an expert.... It's what they do. What a mess...
  17. Oh, I forgot. Pre civil war when nothing is working for you, make sh!t up....
  18. how does anyone tolerate the stench of this POS? And who is he going to get to work for him if somehow, he wins? https://apnews.com/article/trump-retribution-indictment-documents-biden-american-democracy-5a8ec37b359fee85d0f0956139d79f51 “There was an unwritten rule” to not prosecute former presidents and political rivals, Trump told supporters in a speech at his golf club in New Jersey. “I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of America, Joe Biden, and go after the Biden crime family.” He was counting on this. Entitlement mindset not working so well these days...
  19. Mission trip? not many tourists go to Haiti. yeah, but you're rooting for it, aren't you? Lies about elections, gerrymandering or last resort, civil war is the only way your beliefs win...
  20. He was wrong. Much higher percentage of R’s voted for it than D’s both in House and Senate. Bernie was right tho. Lots of wrong people on that war. edit: just looked it up 60% R's in House, 30% D's. Similar numbers in Senate. It would have never passed with a D prez.
  21. You're on a political message board in a time of huge polarization. What do you expect? It's like living on a golf course and getting mad when balls end up in your yard.
  22. Good thing the Bass and Mandolin layed off the hooch some! Looks like a helluva party. Billy has been in the Country Music Hall of fame since he was about 25 and played shredder guitar mostly before that - amazing talent. Summer afternoon song
  23. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/16/politics/trump-transgender-women-pageants-kfile/index.html
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