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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Post some data, dude. Never see it from MAGAs cuz science and critical analysis are taboo. Climate science is bs…The earth is only 5000 years old…all the earth’s species were loaded on an ark…Evolution is not true, etc.
  2. This is such bs. Many of us look at conservative sites as well. Talk about bs...many stories easily disproved by primary sources but I still watch to discern the agenda.
  3. No doubt you have branches on your ranch. beaches seem improbable.
  4. Even on a road trip, no patience for moronic trolls. Bye.
  5. Look up anecdotal evidence then see Orlando’s posts about hotels and prices.
  6. Tariffs are taxes https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/tariffs/ I look at multiple sources to form opinions, not the least of which are opinions of academics who study the history and economic data in great detail. By definition these are intellectuals. No doubt you discount their expertise.
  7. Do you understand the difference between anecdotal evidence and data? Didn’t think so
  8. Your anecdotes are interesting if not meaningful.
  9. Also from the linked article According to the U.S. Census Bureau, you can expect to spend an average of $287.27 a week on groceriesin Florida, the fifth most expensive state in the nation after California, Nevada, Mississippi and Washington. With children in the house, Floridians spend, on average, $341.40 a week.
  10. So what caused the highest inflation in the country in April 2024? Yacht prices in Miami?
  11. Gee, I wonder who’s side trump will ultimately take https://www.foxnews.com/politics/big-oil-breaks-trump-potential-second-withdrawal-from-paris-climate-agreement.amp
  12. Uh huh. Giving the middle finger makes you happy. It’s not a huge accomplishment especially if you don’t personally profit from your “win”. We learned that there are more stupid, angry, disenfranchised people than we thought. We need to exploit that in the future.
  13. Nah, I’m in a hotel in a fairly conservative city with immigrants ( some likely illegal) after a nice day roaming around. We ate in nice restaurants so the staff was mostly American although we didn’t go back in the kitchens. Couldn’t bring ourselves to visit the slave market. But you be you. I bet you’d be interested but not want it in textbooks. Oh, well that settles lt! Link to what the article was wrong about. Was hospitality not #3? A general manager you say… seems something there is causing inflation worse than the remainder of the country https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/state/2024/04/10/florida-inflation-highest-rate-rise/73272034007/#:~:text=Florida's inflation rate nearly 4%%2C highest in nation&text=On a monthly basis%2C costs,of 9.1% in June 2022.
  14. Jonas? Jonas Salk? Is that you? Yet somehow I managed to found a very successful practice and retired early. Weird.
  15. You are a strange little man. Looky what jobs were #3 for illegals in Fla https://www.floridapolicy.org/posts/nearly-400-000-undocumented-immigrants-work-in-six-key-statewide-industries-study-says. Perhaps the new law accounts for some of the high cost of living in Fla? Pls link the 2012 reference.
  16. Polio was nearly eradicated on the planet save a few isolated third world areas. This happened because of a vaccine. But RFK jr has stated that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. What about Chi’s conclusion do you disagree with?
  17. https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=115867555 but he seems so nice… It’s a big middle finger to the “establishment”. It’s what MAGA is all about. Sadly, it won’t improve the lives of their base.
  18. I did. Guess you don’t like my answer Newsflash: trump is 78
  19. Umm, 31% of hotel workers are illegal immigrants. Are you thinking that doesn’t include national chains? Post a link proving your point and stop being ignorant. “The illegals are working in jobs that pay cash daily, not large hotels.” Maybe but guess what happens to prices. Personally, I’m ok with that but I’m not among the 52% complaining bitterly about prices. Yes, illegal immigrants are just like slaves. Btw, walked by the old slave market today. Amazing that was happening less than 175 years ago. Shameful time in our history. Do u agree?
  20. https://npg.org/press-releases/new-npg-paper-sheds-light-on-hotel-industrys-not-so-secret-reliance-on-illegal-immigration-pr.html “Immigrants make up 31% of the industry’s workforce, although they make up just over 13% of the US population,” Rubenstein writes, offering a nuanced perspective on the employment dynamics within this crucial sector. With nearly 15 million Americans employed in tourism and hospitality, this text invites a critical examination of the hiring tendencies and their broader socioeconomic consequences. https://www.newamericaneconomy.org/issues/undocumented-immigrants/ and while tourism is important this is more: Undocumented immigrants account for 50 percent of all hired field and crop workers, making them essential to the success and continued viability of American farms. you were saying…
  21. I hope there are no residual brain worms. Nematodes suck.
  22. Umm, they won’t get enough Americans to do the jobs for minimum wage. And yes, there are many migrant workers in many undesirable jobs working for far less than any American would. Meanwhile, they pay SS and Medicare taxes without benefiting. Still watching. But yes, we’ll certainly go there again. Whether permanently or not is the issue. And most of the housekeepers at the hotels I’ve stayed at are recent immigrants based on their grasp of English. I never asked for their proof of citizenship nor do I expect their employers did.
  23. There is still some justice https://www.status.news/p/not-satire-the-onion-acquires-infowars
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