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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Again, Rasmussen is an arm of the R party. Quinipiac is a decent school in Conn with a pretty darn good record of polling success... https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4057251-trump-rips-quinnipiac-fox-news-over-poll/...btw, you might wanna broaden your horizons just a bit and watch the Baeir interview.
  2. in fairness, at that time, Oil was an even more vital global commodity. hmmm...wonder why alternative energy sources have advanced so little since then. specifics pls. Link a scientific paper...
  3. there is a happy place between naivete'and cynicism...but I respect your honesty. perhaps this would help https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230614-how-a-dose-of-mdma-transformed-a-white-supremacist maybe you should read what he writes and verify/disprove it for yourself..."do your own research"
  4. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ketanji-brown-jackson-s-ancestors-were-enslaved-her-husband-s-were-enslavers/ar-AA1cK1v3
  5. ya think? otherwise Virology would be the equivalent of a dead language...
  6. telling story about this: I flew into International Falls Minnesota to fish at the very beginning of that war. A Canadian driver picked me up to take me to the boat livery to eventually get to the cabins on that side of Rainy Lake. He was prob 20. We were talking about the war and he said he could explain it in 3 letters: O-I-L. I congratulated him on his wisdom. I remember my wife being overtaken by the "patriotic" emotion of the "shock and awe" and debating the merits of the war with her. She saw reason within a week...
  7. Kuodos to Baier for growing a spine late in life...but the actual motive is an R candidate with a chance of winning. There just aren't enough morons to get him elected and they are aware at Fox.
  8. for someone so anti vax that trump himself admonished her, she sure wanted the science benefits of testing and wanted to be kneeled in front of before getting swabbed. She's a huge narcissist. Perhaps that's what the current iteration of the party should be called until it comes back to it senses and kicks out the radical righty dummies. https://www.aspendailynews.com/news/candace-owens-says-she-was-denied-covid-19-test-in-aspen/article_e9a80270-0c60-11ec-97ab-736d9155b433.html
  9. you mean like in china where all those measures were strictly enforced?
  10. knives out at Fox https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4057630-brit-hume-trump-defense-of-taking-documents-incoherent/ Hume cast doubt on the idea that Trump’s explanation would hold up in court. In his first interview since being arraigned last week on federal charges, Trump claimed he had not had time to go through boxes filled with classified documents, while simultaneously suggesting he had declassified any sensitive materials. “Why not just hand them over then?” Baier asked. “Because I had boxes. I want to go through the boxes and get all my personal things out,” Trump responded. “I don’t want to hand that over to [the National Archives] yet. And I was very busy, as you’ve sort of seen.”
  11. so please. educate us on ACE2, chimeras, WIV and zhi's paper...perhaps this one? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32015508/
  12. you guys see straw men in your dreams. next time I argue a fallacy, point it out. but appeal to very sketchy authority is a huge part of yall's shtick.
  13. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/19/trump-indictment-2024-00102525 Bad news for ronnie and the rest of the chorus “No one is thinking outside the box on how to effectively message the existential threat and dilemma that the party is in with this,” said a Republican strategist who is unaffiliated with any campaign, but who was granted anonymity to speak frankly about campaign strategies. “There is a non-negligible chance the nominee of our party will be charged and go to jail. Setting aside how you feel about this, we can’t govern from a jail cell. I just think people are scared to make that argument. And when you duck and hide from it – that is why the oxygen is getting sucked out of the room.”
  14. there are these things called contracts. I would have thought ole tuck would be well versed. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-06-18/tucker-carlson-s-twitter-show-likely-violates-his-fox-news-contract#xj4y7vzkg
  15. I never liked Darryl Lamonica...Dennis Shaw was my man at qb
  16. Wow. On youtube? Hell, I've got some vids on youtube/ Can I hawk them here? Angry, resentful, rebellious...Is that cause for celebration?
  17. Is there no lizard skin underneath the costume? No satanic horns and tail hidden by trump's huge suits?
  18. These guys all once had the highest security clearances. trump deemed them worthy of some of the most powerful offices in the land. At a minimum, he was repeatedly guilty of bad personnel judgement ... but it's far worse than that and you all know it. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4054578-barr-bolton-kelly-line-up-to-condemn-trump/
  19. I believe the majority of the board supported a certain GM who is now unemployed in the NFL. Some actually said he was among the best in the league at the time. Oh and Ralph wasn't cheap.
  20. One would reason that if this was such a big concern to the right, they'd work on mitigating the causes. but nope. It's a good talking point to foment hate...
  21. He looks like a genuine evil genius! https://sph.unc.edu/adv_profile/ralph-s-baric-phd/. You losers need someone to vilify to justify your ignorance. got any citations on this from the pizzagate fool?
  22. why bother with the eyeballs Chris Farley? why not engage in actual debate? i know why. cuz you'll lose....
  23. and your point? you believe these folks spent their entire careers, years of schooling and hard work to get to the top of a comparatively low paying occupation as academics (when most could at least double their income working for pharma) to become political science pawns? BillsFanNC is a molecular biologist like I'm an astronaut
  24. have you discussed this with your molecular biology colleagues at Duke and UNC ? I'll bet they'll be very receptive to being told they're part of a cult. Why do you need to lie so much? Is that part of the MAGA handbook?
  25. For everyone missing their Dad (huge Bills Fan) this fathers Day
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