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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. We had them made this way at friends recently. Really good. Definitely not dry which is what happens to mine when grilled sometimes...
  2. uh huh. the obvious MAGA conclusion from that small piece of info...
  3. yeah, not gonna try to unpack or diagram that argument. My mind refuses to function for a minute in that perverse way.
  4. Yeah. I've tried brisket twice and it was terrible. Content to buy it made. keeping the temp stable is easier said than done for me.
  5. and you take Putin at his word...hy would he keep this secret for so long. If true (which it isn't) why not use it as the political weapon it would be? Need to work on your evil genius thinking. you're not where you wanna be.
  6. He's entirely predictable. Realize what most benefits him, and that's his next move (document case but not rape cases excluded). Unfortunately, the D party has not capitalized on that weakness anywhere near to its potential. It's like poker players failing to recognize or ignoring a tell.
  7. Who said the justice system is fair? It can definitely be improved. There are crooked judges, rogue cops, crooked lawyers etc. Yup, you or I would be in jail for any of this stuff. Then consider what happens to people who can't afford a lawyer or are jailed for overdue fines and court costs they can't pay off. But this trump vs hunter comparison of justice is stupid. They'll likely both get off with hand slaps. Better than ignoring their crimes.
  8. I've often been disappointed with ribs I've made. This is my current favorite: https://amazingribs.com/best-barbecue-ribs-recipe/ Takes all day but worth it. What's yours? In keeping with the Easy meal" thread, I'd recommend baked ribs but imo not as good...
  9. Let's diagram the argument of most of the righties here: Premises- Hunter Biden is a crook and should be in jail (before the plea deal went down) trump is innocent til proven guilty. the justice system is weighted towards D's. Hunter Biden enters a plea deal and admits guilt. Conclusion: The justice system is rigged and the case against trump is a witch hunt
  10. Agreed. I wonder if the righties here notice that more progressive posters are happy Hunter was pursued by justice. Maybe they'll see the logic in pursuing trump...
  11. I don't like a judge who makes biased decisions in court based on politics...trump broke many laws. it is right and just to "take him down" when this is proven in court.
  12. bummer. Know a single senior federal judge well enough to call him a friend. Salt of the earth, wonderful, dignified, dedicated, honest man. Not even sure which prez appointed him cuz it doesn't matter to me. There must have been much better choices than Cannon.
  13. and perhaps offering a plea deal to trump is part of the strategy to put this disgusting chapter in American history to bed. but I doubt he takes it.
  14. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/20/hunter-biden-to-plead-guilty-to-federal-criminal-tax-charges.html good. now we can stop with the "what about hunter shite Yeah, sure
  15. this may well be the next pandemic. Bugs with AMR that can't be effectively treated: https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/4052215-antimicrobial-resistance-will-be-worse-than-covid-we-have-to-act-now/ I sat on the "Evidence based Medicine" committee for the system I last worked in. We talked a bit (not enough) about this. Our system data showed midlevels (NP's, PA's) as the worst offenders for overprescribing antibiotics. No one wanted to address it but me. They are cheap to employ and make too much money for the systems to be reigned in. Prescribing antibiotics for minor viral illnesses is a good marketing strategy๐Ÿค. Patients want to leave an appointment with a script.
  16. This wouldn't be the worst thing. It would likely save lives that might be taken by angry, resentful loser traitors trying to start a civil war. That said, I want trump to run and lose, then go to jail. I don't see him accepting a plea deal and admitting guilt. Re the economy, it's recovering and Nov 2024 is a ways off.
  17. yes, and the reason isn't Biden... it was covid. i believe more independents get that.
  18. the same what? it says trump is behind. No argument on the economy being the biggest issue but stupidity comes into play when people don't understand the reasons for inflation...the other critical point is that support entrenched on each side, R or D. so the overall percentages you cite matter little . It's the independents that do. did you notice that the total for the issues of abortion and democracy among independents equals the percentage that list the economy?
  19. or maybe because big oil keeps reinvesting the vast majority of their profits in stock buybacks rather than alternative energy. cue @sherpa
  20. it's not that complicated. lot of stupid Americans. but not enough for trump....
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