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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. blind is believing anything trump says and supporting him. He's trying to destroy the country and his followers are complicit. Some still hold tightly the big lie and that Jan 6 was no big deal. That's blind.
  2. logic is applied mathematics...a beautiful thing. I'm doing fine but thanks for your concern.
  3. I find it funny to be called a "commie" by those who support an ex prez supported by Russia. It's been over 40 yrs since I studied logic so I'll need to bone up on that fallacy. be back soon. Person A: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge." Person B: "But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman and he puts sugar on his porridge." Person A: "But no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge. Don't see the connection to my quoting bible verses. I'm person B here.
  4. just ignore the parts you don't like...
  5. cool...I can do this all day https://sojo.net/22-bible-verses-welcoming-immigrants btw, do you really find my posts to be smooth talk and flattery? Sure hope you don't think I'm flattering you... we are not talking about Obama but about trump...so you admit that the Russians interfered to help trump. Cool, so the investigation was justified. I don't want them interfering. Do you, comrade?
  6. pot, meet kettle. Sh!tlibs seems a hate group identifier term while MAGA is a self identifier for morons. "load swallowers" is just juvenile and ignorant https://www.npr.org/2023/06/21/1183438248/durham-special-counsel-report-hearing-trump-congress Durham's report was sharply critical of the bureau, but it did not refute the underlying findings of what would later become special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. While the Mueller investigation did not find evidence of a "conspiracy" between the Trump campaign and Russia, it did find Russia interfered, tried to help the Trump campaign, and established multiple contacts with some Trump campaign officials and advisers.
  7. tough love... ready to help...and I'm not claiming to be "Christian Nationalist", a literal interpreter of the bible or perfect. but you are correct. Mixing topics here is counterproductive.
  8. you all sure selectively read the Mueller report. Did you miss the part on Russian interference in the election. Kind of like ignoring the part of the bible where it says "Love your neighbors as yourself" and "turn the other cheek"...
  9. sure, the Russians throw away assets and intelligence officers for no good reason (excepting Ukraine, of course). why do u think they wanted trump to win? Are you Russian, comrade?
  10. I'm sure I don't know what u mean but...Canadians can have opinions too. The kid I described that drove me had more insight than about 90% of Americans caught up in the "patriotism" of the moment in Iraq.
  11. the two facts are not mutually exclusive. Hillary f'ed up (by saying out loud what many actually agree with) and Russia helped trump win...
  12. did he tell you that or did you "do your own research"?
  13. he did nothing wrong. There is plenty of evidence in the Mueller report that the Russians aided trump's campaign and election. Why do yo think they wanted trump to win? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/paul-manafort-russia-polling-data-b2140727.html
  14. you're confusing him with Salwell, who was not censured as far as I know. As my link noted, this could help Schiff win a senate seat. He's extremely intelligent: "No matter how many false justifications or slanders you level against me, you but indict yourselves," Schiff said. "As Liz Cheney said, 'there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.'" "This resolution attacks me for initiating an investigation into Trump campaign solicitation and acceptance of Russian help in the 2016 election even though the investigation was first led not by me, but by a Republican chairman," Schiff said in his remarks, later adding: "In short, it would accuse me of omnipotence, the leader of some vast Deep State conspiracy, and of course, it is nonsense."
  15. off the wall had a thread on soap operas. Here's the PPP version https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-calls-boebert-210701216.html and more theater https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/21/politics/adam-schiff-censure-vote-house/index.html
  16. technically not a soap opera but these guys are divas and the show plays like one. That said, I really enjoy the Formula 1 series on Netflix. The crashes are pretty amazing too...
  17. gonna try the sous vide method.. My wife did ribeye in it and it was fantastic!
  18. perfect pair in the nutsack. wonder how trump benefits... https://people.com/kari-lake-mar-a-lago-appearances-exclusive-source-7550484
  19. They’re actually missing out on enormous fun in planning a do-it-yourself fishing trip. Keeping in mind a SCOTUS justice salary, this would also seem more reasonable I think I once got a seat upgrade on a flight.
  20. I'm publicly disclosing I've never fished with a judge. I don't believe many would enjoy catching their own hellgrammites for bait but I could be wrong. Teachers, veterinarian and car salesmen buddies are fine with it. C'mon this reeks...private plane to Alaska. Undoubtedly guides and hired boats. I'll bet they didn't cook their own shore lunch or stop at brewers retail for supplies before the trip. Big dollars for this trip.
  21. the director said it will leave questions. Joe McCarthy is portrayed so I expect the communist question will be addressed
  22. This looks amazing and compelling for anyone interested in politics or history. Reports are that it's also disturbing. Can't wait... https://variety.com/2023/film/news/christopher-nolan-oppenheimer-devastate-viewers-horror-movie-1235650687/
  23. Wow. not clever and bordering on sacrilege but carry on. It's definitely MAGAesque
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